satellite orbits

Maryland Remote Sensing 2013

How to prepare:

  1. Make a binder based on the following outline. You won't be able to use it in the test, but the exercise will be helpful.
  2. Make your study sheet resources based on the binder.
  3. Make tests for each other based on the binder.


  1. Satellite remote sensing basics
    1. Passive Radiometry
    2. Microwave altimetry
    3. Gravimetry
    4. Scatterometry
  2. Know the following missions (what they measure, how they measure it). See also links below.
    1. GRACE
    2. TOPEX/Poseidon
    3. Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM)
    4. TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI)
    5. SeaWiFS
    6. MODIS
    7. VIIRS
    8. Jason-1
    9. Quikscat
    10. Aquarius
    11. AVHRR
  3. Key concepts
    1. Electromagnetic spectrum
    2. Black body radiation and radiative temperatures (Stefan’s law)
    3. Bragg scattering and surface roughness
    4. Gravity and the geoid
    5. Ocean color and biology
    6. Ocean color and solar heating
    7. How sea surface heights can be used to learn about ocean currents, El Nino
    8. Thermal expansion of water and sea level rise
    9. Gravimetry and sea level rise
    10. Gravimetry and groundwater
    11. Hydrological cycle
    12. Large-scale circulation of the atmosphere and ocean salinity
    13. Hurricane intensity from satellites(DVORAK technique)
  4. Skills
    1. Be able to read graphs
    2. Be able to extract a line plot from a contour plot
    3. Be able to go between black body radiative flux and temperature
    4. Be able to find the direction of ocean currents from surface height.

Useful Links

Coaches' Clinic PPT Presentation: PPT

Basics of radiation: