Tin Man's Guide to Local Brews


Research Projects



Group Members


CV of Prof. Fairbrother


Links of Interest

JHU Surface Analysis Lab

A key component to any well-run Graduate Research group is access to quality suds in a friendly environment. The function of which is to keep the students and advisors on good terms by socializing over a round of tins. This allows for an informal environment in which to share thoughts and opinions under the aegis of inebriation. To this end, I have compile a small list of place where we have found to make productive merriment.

That last one may seem surprising, but it tends to be the most effect place on the list. In that environ, one has access to data, equipment, chemicals, and a yellow whiffle-ball bat. All of which are required to get the point across to a stubborn advisor.


NB: The use of laboratory equipment, especially UHV, while intoxicated is strictly forbidden under Sec. 22(J) of the Laboratory Procedures and Drinking Manual; this section makes special provision to exclude the yellow whiffle-ball bat.