Johns Hopkins Gazette: June 24, 1996

For The Record...
Retirements and

Staff members who retired or celebrated a five-year anniversary with the university during May are listed below. Anyone with a question about the staff recognition program should call the Office of Faculty, Staff and Retiree Programs at (410)516-6060.



Amos, Erma L., 19 years, Admissions
Skipper, William E., 41 years, Physics and Astronomy (retired in April)

25 years of service

Roth, Elizabeth A., Administrative Computing

15 years of service

Barger, Warren Scott, Post Office
Mills, Jean F., Compensation

10 years of service

Downing, Shawn, CTY
Grant, Jon E., CSOS
Hall, Denise R., Biology
Martin, Peter D., Plant Operations & Maintenance
Requardt, Cynthia H., MSE Library
Stiller, Ann, Design and Publications

5 years of service

Bailey, Richard L., Office of the Controller
Hunt, Doreen M., Design and Publications
James, Gregory O., Johns Hopkins Club
Little, Greg S., Microcomputing
Smith, Donna M., Accounts Payable

Hygiene and Public Health

30 years of service

Dawson, Ruby N., Academic Computing
Dolan, Patrick M., Environmental Health Sciences
Oxley, Neal R., Mail Room

20 years of service

Lantry, Deborah, Epidemiology
Moore, Frances A., Epidemiology

15 years of service

Burns, Barbara A., International Health
Kelley, Mary Melissa, Lilienfeld Library

10 years of service
Rybczynski, Mary V., Epidemiology

5 years of service

Bailey, Vivian, Biochemistry
Baron, Danielle Lennea, Population Communication
Brown, Jacqueline, Epidemiology
Hirt, Phyllis, Epidemiology
Johns, Olivia, International Health
Mitchell, James B., II, International Health
Samson, Kristina, Population Communication



Hill, Hanford R., 27 years, Pathology (retired in April)
Lough, Thomas F., Sr., 11 years, Maintenance
Middleton, F. Ruth, 21 years, Urology
Petterson, Marjorie, 46 years, Welch Medical Library

25 years of service

Leister, Flora J., Pediatrics

20 years of service

Beverungen, Margaret W., Medicine
Davis, Patricia, Physicians Billing

15 years of service

Edwards, Kay, Surgery
Miller-Hart, Anita H., Neurology

10 years of service

Barsda, Joann Marie, Neurosurgery
Fields-Hudson, Etta, Radiology
McCall, Vivian Charise, Welch Medical Library
Miller, Adele Lenora, Neurosurgery
Ogorzalek, Lisa Lattal, Oncology Center
Powell, Pamela R., Dermatology
Rogers, Beverly J., Pediatrics
Stern, Michael J., Welch Medical Library

5 years of service

Coleman, Patricia A., Medicine
David, Stephanie A., Neurology
Dickman, Fern Ellen, Medicine
Garrity, Sheila Rose, Neurology
Hartsel, Hope Lynn, Genome Database Project
Martin, Diane, Neurology
Matthews, Serelda D., Medicine
McTizic, John, Radiology
Mihalik, John W., Residence Operations
Montgomery, Jami Lynn, Oncology
Nevelus, Janet, Orthopedic Surgery
Quarles, Allison M., Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine
Roppelt, Monica J., Orthopedic Surgery

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