Johns Hopkins Gazette: April 21, 1997

On Staff:
Work, Service
Of Its Staff

At Homewood's 20th Annual Staff Recognition Reception, held on April 18, in the Glass Pavilion, staff were recognized for five, 10 and 15 years of service. Embossed certificates were presented to 105 staff members with five years of service. Seventy-seven staff celebrating 10 years of service received crystal paperweights and 32 staff members with 15 years of service received Regency arch clocks. Deans and vice presidents participated by handing out the awards.

Vice President for Human Resources Audrey Smith welcomed the group, and Senior Vice President for Administration Eugene S. Sunshine, who departs the university this summer, received a 10-year award. With his trademark good humor and generosity, he thanked the employees for their dedication and support. The ceremony marked a total of 1,775 years of service to the university.

Staff celebrating 20, 25, 30 and 35 and more years of service will receive their awards at a dinner reception later this year.

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