Johns Hopkins Gazette: March 27, 1995

WJHU-Radio Program Notes

     This week on The Marc Steiner Show:

ù    Monday, March 27: A special edition--"Addressing Violent
Crime in America," with Nation magazine author Bruce Shapiro
discussing crime in America, congressional crime bills and more.

ù    Tuesday, March 28: A talk with Tom Thompson of The Coffee
Mill and Carla Bravo-Wing of Roasters on the Hill about--what
else?--coffee; its history, types of coffee, and the proper way
to roast one's own beans.

ù    Wednesday, March 29: "Race and Religion in America" with
Taylor Branch, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Parting the
Waters, and lawyer and theologian Anthony Cook.

ù    Thursday, March 30: A talk with two constitutional scholars,
part of an ongoing series on the Bill of Rights. What effect will
the crime bill have on the Fourth Amendment's search and seizure
provisions? The crime bill would weaken those provisions.

     The Marc Steiner Show is a public affairs call-in program
broadcast every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7 to 8:30
p.m. on WJHU, 88.1 FM. Topics and guests are subject to change. 
     For more information, call 516-WJHU.

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