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"Pen Names" Solutions
By Solomon Golomb '51

1.What are the noms de plume by which these authors are better known?

a. Voltaire (an anagram of AROUET L.J. when U and J are written, Latin style, as V and I).
b. Mark Twain (a riverboat depth indication)
c. Lewis Carroll (From LUTWIDGE CHARLES)
d. George Sand
e. George Eliot
f. Joseph Conrad (from his two middle names)
g. Saki
h. Molière
i. O. Henry
j. Maxim Gorky (or Gorki, the Russian word for "sour")
k. Sholem Aleichem (Hebrew greeting, "Peace be with you")

2. What pseudonyms did these authors use for some of their writings?

a. Boz
b. Rene Lafayette
c. Elia

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