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Office of News and Information
Johns Hopkins University
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Baltimore, Maryland 21218-3843
Phone: (410) 516-7160 | Fax (410) 516-5251

March 2002
CONTACTS: Amy Cowles and
Phil Sneiderman

Hopkins Undergraduates Honored for Research

The award ceremony for the Provost's Undergraduate Research Awards for the 2001-2002 academic year will take place on Thursday, March 7th from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Glass Pavilion on the university's Homewood campus, 3400 N. Charles St., in Baltimore.

The Johns Hopkins University is recognized as the country's first graduate research university, and has been in recent years the leader among the nation's research universities in winning federal research and development grants. The opportunity to be involved in important research is one of the distinguishing characteristics of an undergraduate education at Johns Hopkins.

The Provost's Undergraduate Research Awards program provides one of these research opportunities, open to students in each of the university's four schools with full-time undergraduates: the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, the Whiting School of Engineering, the Peabody Conservatory and the School of Nursing. Since 1993, about 40 students each year have been awarded up to $2,500 to propose and conduct original research, some results of which have been published in professional journals. The awards, begun by then provost Joseph Cooper and funded through a donation from the Hodson Trust, are an important part of the university's commitment to research.

To learn more about some of this year's Provost's Undergraduate Awards For Research (PURA) winners, visit the following pages:

Jordan Bear: Art and Movies Convey America's Post-War Anxiety

Christy Comeaux: Undergraduate Unravels Genetic Mysteries in Pesky Fruit Flies

Pamela Douglas: Mutations May Yield Clues to Heartbreaking Childhood Disease

Paul Han: Undergrad Probes Regeneration of Nerve Cell Branches

Rjyan Kidwell: Baltimore's Noise Is Music to Hopkins Student's Ears

Jeff Novich: 76 Minutes of Fame -- Undergrads' Film Shown in N.Y. Festival

Steven Porter: Undergrad Finds Clues to 400-Million-Year-Old Mystery

Samuel Spinner: Hopkins Student Explores Issues of Identity and Belonging

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