* This file is periodic.inp. * Usage, charmm periodic.out. * For energy minimizing, heating, equilibrating, and performing * dynamics with periodic boundary conditions. * ! Open and read amino acid topology and parameter files open read card name "top_all27_prot_na.rtf" unit 20 read rtf card unit 20 close unit 20 open read card name "par_all27_prot_na.prm" unit 20 read parameter card unit 20 close unit 20 ! Read sequences and coordinates from the pdb and crd files open read card name "arm.pdb" unit 21 read sequence pdb unit 21 generate prot setup rewind unit 21 open read card name "xwater.pdb" unit 22 read sequence pdb unit 22 generate xwat setup first none last none noangle nodihedral rewind unit 22 open read card name "box.crd" unit 23 read sequence TIP3 4096 unit 23 generate box setup first none last none noangle nodihedral rewind unit 23 read coordinate pdb offset -6 unit 21 close unit 21 read coordinate pdb append unit 22 close unit 22 read coordinate card append unit 23 close unit 23 ! Add missing atoms ic fill preserve ic parameter ic build hbuild system - "echo Finished adding atoms > /dev/tty" ! Delete crystallographic waters more than 4 Angstroms from the protein delete atom select ( .byres. ( .not. ( segid prot .around. 4 ) .and. - (segid xwat .and. type OH2 ) ) ) end ! ! Center protein & crystal. waters at origin. coordinate orient select segid prot .or. segid xwat end ! Reverse rotating effect of coordinate orient on the water box coordinate rotate XDIR ?XAXI YDIR ?YAXI ZDIR ?ZAXI PHI -?THET select segid box end ! Reverse translation effect of coordinate orient on the water box coordinate translate select segid box end XDIR -?XMOV YDIR -?YMOV ZDIR -?ZMOV ! Delete waters of box that overlap the protein delete atom select ( .byres. ( (segid prot .around. 2.5 ) .and. - (segid box .and. type OH2 ))) end ! Delete waters of box that overlap crystallographic waters delete atom select ( .byres. ((segid xwat .around. 2.5 ) .and. - (segid box .and. type OH2 ))) end ! Change the segid of all water molecules to solv join xwat box renumber rename segid solv select segid xwat end open write card name ready.pdb unit 40 write coordinates pdb select all end unit 40 * Coordinates after centering of all atoms in protein, pdb format * system - "echo Starting minimization > /dev/tty" ! Use SHAKE for TIP3 only shake bonh ! Set up the periodic boundary conditions, crystal dim from water box. crystal define orthorhombic 62.0864 49.66912 49.66912 90. 90. 90. crystal build cutoff 7.0 noperations 0 !image byseg xcen 0.0 ycen 0.0 zcen 0.0 select .not. resname tip3 end !image centering of protein usually is not necessary image byres xcen 0.0 ycen 0.0 zcen 0.0 select resname tip3 end update nbxmod 5 atom cdiel shift vatom vdistance vswitch - cutnb 14.0 ctofnb 12.0 ctonnb 10.0 eps 1.0 e14fac 1.0 wmin 1.5 - cutimg 14 minimize abnr nstep 1000 nprint 100 open write card name "heat.rst" unit 31 open write file name "heat.dcd" unit 32 system - "echo Started heating > /dev/tty" ! Heating dynamics dynamics leap verlet strt - nstep 6000 timestep 0.001 nprint 500 nsavc 100 - nsavv 0 inbfrq -1 imgfrq 50 iprfrq 100 ihtfrq 200 - iunrea -1 iunwri 31 iuncrd 32 iunvel -1 kunit -1 - firstt 0.000000 finalt 300.0 teminc 10.0 - iasors 1 iasvel 1 iscvel 0 ichecw 0 stop