Transmission Spectra

Data                      Models      References

HAT-P-1b           HAT-P-1b        Nikolov et al. (2014, MNRAS)

                                                           Wakeford et al. (2013, MNRAS)

HAT-P-12b         HAT-P-12b    Sing et al. (2016)

HAT-P-26b         HAT-P-26b    Wakeford et al. (2017, Science)

HD189733b        HD189733b   Pont et al. (2013, MNRAS)

                                                                McCullough et al. (2014, ApJ)

                                                                Sing et al. (2016)

HD209458b         HD209458b    Sing et al. (2016)

Medium Res. STIS                               Sing et al. (2008, ApJ)

Low Res. STIS                                     2016 Update preferred

WASP-6b            WASP-6b     Nikolov et al. (2015, MNRAS)

                                                                Sing et al. (2016)

WASP-12b          WASP-12b    Sing et al. (2013, 2016)

WASP-17b         WASP-17b    Sing et al. (2016)

WASP-19b         WASP-19b      Huitson et al. (2013, MNRAS)

                                                                 Sing et al. (2016)

WASP-31b          WASP-31b    Sing et al. (2015, 2016)

WASP-39b          WASP-39b     Wakeford et al. (2018) - Preferred

                                                                 Fischer et al. (2016, ApJ)

                                                   Sing et al. (2016)

WASP-52b                                           Alam et al. (2018, AJ)

WASP-96b                                           Nikolov et al. (2018, Nature)
WASP-107b                                         Spake et al. (2018, Nature)

                                                                   Kreidberg et al. (2018, ApJ)

WASP-121b         WASP-121b   Evans et al. (2018, AJ) - OIR

                                                    Evans et al. (2016, ApJL) - IR

WASP-121b NUV                              Sing et al. (2019, AJ) - NUV                                 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Emission Spectra

HAT-P-32b                                            Nikolov et al. (2018, MNRAS)

WASP-121b G141                                Evans et al. (2017, Nature)

WASP-121b G102+G141+Spitzer     Evans et al. (2019, MNRAS)

Sing et al. (2016, Nature)


Data Files from Sing et al. (2016) are comma separated value (.csv), and contain wavelength in microns, wavelength half bin size in microns, planet-to-star radius ratio (Rpl/Rstar), and the 1-sigma error bar for Rpl/Rstar.

Model Files are ascii format (.txt), and contain wavelength in microns and the planet-to-star radius ratio (Rpl/Rstar).

The electronic version of the HD209458b transmission spectra as published in Sing et al. (2008)

The low res data runs from 300 to 770 nm and the medium res from 581 to 635 nm.  The data is binned by 16 and 18 points as in the published figure, though converted the spectra to Jupiter radii units using an adopted stellar radius of 1.125 R_sun.  The files contain columns of wavelength (angstroms), planet radii

(R_Jup), and planet radii error.  The 2016 update (Sing et al. 2016) is now the preferred version for the low resolution HD209458b optical spectrum.

Evans et al. (2016, ApJ)

Exoplanet Atmospheric Spectral Library

Here is the transmission spectra data from our Hubble Space Telescope programs (e.g. Sing et al. 2016).

If making use of these spectra, please cite the publication(s) listed.

1D models are also available with relevant citations listed in the file (e.g. Fortney et al. 2010).

WARNING:  If combining transmission spectra between datasets, in general there can be non-trivial vertical offsets due to differences in the system parameters (e.g. inclination, a/Rstar) and limb-darkening.  The data presented here has been reduced in a uniform manner to minimize such offsets, but caution is in order when comparing this data to any external datasets. 


CREATES  Comparing the Range of Exoplanet Atmospheres with Transmission and Emission Spectra.         The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007- 2013) ERC grant agreement no. 336792.

Based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5-26555.

Exoplanet Physical Parameters and Spectral Results