Group Members

Current Graduate Students

Jing Chen ([email protected])

Haopeng Wang ([email protected])

Angela Buonaugurio ([email protected])

Jacob Graham ([email protected])

Allyson Buytendyk ([email protected])

Xinxing Zhang ([email protected])

Xin Tang ([email protected])

Yi Wang ([email protected])

Matthew McDowell ([email protected])

Evan Collins ([email protected])

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Former Graduate Students
Thus far, twenty three graduate students have earned their PhD degrees from my group. Presently, six are faculty members in universities, twelve are in industrial section, three are in government, and four are post-docs. Also, among these, sixteen are US citizens, and seven are women. I am happy to report that all of them have the kind of job they wanted. There follows a list of my former graduate students, the year of their PhD with me, and their present positions:

Jim Coe, '86, Professor (Chem.), Ohio State University

Joe Snodgrass, '86, Research Director, ARIAD Pharmaceuticals

Carl Freidhoff, '87, Program Manager, Northrop-Grumman Corporation

Kevin McHugh, '88, Senior Advisory Scientist, Lockheed-Martin. (Kevin won a DOE, "R&D 100 Award", for technological innovation in alloy solidification in '98.)

Gang Ho Lee, '90, Associate Professor (Chem.), Kyungpook National University, Korea

Joe Eaton, '92, Assistant Professor (Chem.), St. Francis College

Susan Arnold, '93, Deputy Division Chief, Air Force Research Laboratory,

Harry Sarkas, '94, Senior Process Scientist, Nanophase Technologies, Corp.

Linda Kidder, '94, Director of Applications, Spectral Dimensions, Inc.

Jay Hendricks, '96, Staff Research Scientist, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Helen de Clercq, '97, Associate Professor (Chem.), Howard University

Chuck Fancher, '97, Senior Scientist, JHU Applied Physcs Lab

Tim Lippa, '98, Senior Scientist, JHU Applied Physics Lab

Svetlana Lyapustina, '99, Science Advisor, Gardner, Carton & Douglas, LLC

Owen Thomas, '01, U of Maryland Medical School

Shoujun Xu, '02, Assistant Professor, University of Houston

Mike Nilles, '03, Senior Scientist I, Excet Inc.

Weijun Zheng, '04, Professor, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dunja Radisic, '05, IMEC (Belgium)

Sarah Stokes, '07, Senior Scientist, Excet Inc.

Soren Eustis, '09, Assistant Proffesor (Physical Chemistry), Bowdoin College (Brunswick, ME)

Andrej Grubisic, '09, Postdoctoral Associate, University of Colorado.

Xiang Li, '09, Research Associate, University of Maryland at Baltimore Country (CRESST program serving NASA)

Yeon Jae Ko, '11, Postdoctoral Associate, The Rowland Institute at Harvard.

Di Wang, '11, Postdoctoral Associate, Johns Hopkins Medical Institute.

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Former Undergraduate Researchers
Several Hopkins undergraduates who did research with us went on to pursue their doctorates in chemistry or physics at The Univ. of California at Berkeley, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Univ. of Illinois, Johns Hopkins Univ., MIT, Syracuse, or Cal Tech.

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