Michael Wolmetz, Ph.D.
Program Manager
- B.S. Computer Science, Yale University (2000)
- Ph.D. Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins University (2011)
Recent Press
Recent Publications
- Rupp K, Roos M, Milsap G, Caceres C, Ratto C, Chevillet M, Crone NE, Wolmetz M (2017). Semantic attributes are encoded in human electrocorticographic signals during visual object recognition. NeuroImage, 148, 318-329.
- Happel MD, Spitaletta JA, Pohlmeyer EA, Hwang GM, Greenberg AM, Scholl CA, Wolmetz M (2017). National Security and the Assessment of Individual Credibility: Current Challenges,
Future Opportunities. APL Technical Digest, 33(4), 303-313.
- Caceres C, Roos M, Rupp K, Milsap G, Crone NE, Wolmetz M, Ratto C (2017). Feature Selection Methods for Zero-Shot Learning of Neural Activity. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 11:41.
- Rogers T and Wolmetz M (2016). Conceptual Knowledge Representation: A Cross-section of Current Research. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 33(3-4), 121-129.
- Wolmetz M and Elhilali M (2016). Attentional and Contextual Priors in Sound Perception. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0149635.
- Glasgow K, Roos M, Haufler A, Chevillet M, Wolmetz, M (2016). Evaluating semantic models with word-sentence relatedness. arXiv:1603.07253 [cs.CL].