Lost on the Information Superhighway? You're Not Alone These days, it seems, just about everyone is cruising the Internet, skillfully picking up facts and information, artfully making new electronic acquaintances and in countless ways making their lives richer, fuller and more rewarding. Or at least, so the spate of recent media attention would have us believe. The reality, say Internet experts, is somewhat more complicated than the gee-whiz articles in papers and magazines suggest. "There are a lot of people who are very confused by the Internet and the various protocols used to maneuver through all the information that's out there," said Lee Watkins, assistant director of the Homewood Computing Information Center. "It's not surprising, really, considering how complicated this technology is." Watkins likes to point out that even though computers have become commonplace, they are, nonetheless, "probably the most sophisticated and complicated products in common use today." They are also among the most diverse products on the market. Automobiles, by and large, all use much the same technology and operate in much the same way. "But a dozen different computer manufacturers will produce a dozen different machines, each of which operates in its own highly unique way," Watkins said. "Just creating a system in which different machines using different software can communicate and share that information was a tremendously complex undertaking. That's all the Internet is, a way for different machines to talk and share information." The first generation of Internet communication software_or protocols as they are called_includes three basic elements: e-mail, which allows users to send a piece of text (wrapped in an identifying and routing code) to a specific location; ftp or file transfer protocol, which defines how to transfer files from one computer to another; and telnet, a "terminal emulation" protocol that allows users to log on to other computers on the Internet. Gopher, the software system developed at the University of Minnesota that is at the heart of JHUniverse, can be described as a second-generation Internet communication tool, Watkins said. "The idea behind gopher software is to allow someone to maneuver through the Internet without having to learn a lot of codes and other technical language," he said. "Essentially, you just scroll through menus until you find what you want, then highlight that item, hit return, and you're automatically connected. All the technical information about how, where and in what way you connect is in the background and not visible on your screen." Even though they are designed to be user-friendly, gopher systems, including JHUniverse, can present challenges to new users unfamiliar with the requirements of the new technology. "As JHUniverse has become more widely known both on campus and off, I have begun receiving a lot of e-mail queries asking how to log on," Watkins said. "Because many people do not understand the different Internet protocols and their uses, they find themselves confused as to how to access JHUniverse. Many, for instance, think it is a location you can e-mail to and connect that way; this is not so." Next issue: Logging on and other functions