Feb. 15, 1999
VOL. 28, NO. 22 |
For the Record: Milestones
The following staff members retired or celebrated an anniversary with the university
in December. The information is compiled by the Office of Faculty, Staff and Retiree
Programs, 410-516-6060.
10 years of service
Albert, Mary Elizabeth, IAAY
5 years of service
Nicks, Paula J., IAAY
Pfitzer, Anne, JHPIEGO
Smith, Tamara M., JHPIEGO
Theobald, Kimberly A., IAAY
15 years of service
Althoff, Frances D., Economics
Marcin, Sarah Dawes, Office of the Dean
5 years of service
Woloszyn, Regina, Writing Seminars
25 years of service
Krug, Walter Joseph, Materials Science and Engineering
10 years of service
Ewing, Curt M., Mechanical Engineering
15 years of service
Schaedel, Hedy A., Office of the Registrar
10 years of service
Coady, Patricia Ann, Office of the Registrar
5 years of service
Johnson, Mary Neff, Student Health and Wellness Center
Linhart, Natalie G., Athletic Center
Sherry, James W., Hopkins Union
50 years of service
Uphoff, Catherine, Psychiatry
30 years of service
Washington, Elizabeth, Custodial Services
25 years of service
Peoples, Essie Holmes, Welch Medical Library
Peper, Marilyn J., Pathology
20 years of service
Coleman, Russell, Physicians Billing Service
Sessa, Genevieve, Surgery
15 years of service
Alejo, Diane E., Surgery
Brandt, Virgie Mae, Psychiatry
Guralnick, Bonnie Gail, Human Resources
Jacob, Ursula Karin, Pathology
Jenkins, Tamiko Q., Oncology Billing Office
Jones, Marilyn L., Pediatrics
Trawinski, Alice A., Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
Triplett, Dolores J., Radiology Billing Office
10 years of service
Abrams, Joel Eric, Medicine
Augustyniak, Susan Mary, Medicine
Foltz, Paula R., Medicine
Foster, Juanita F., Neurosurgery
George, Sara Elizabeth, Office of Continuing Education
Gilpin, Richard W., Safety and Environmental Health
Glorioso, Lisa Annette, Medicine
Goodlett, Shelia, Laboratory Animal Medicine
Jordan, Brenda L., Medicine
Kosmas, Joyce A., Clinical Immunology
Leach, Jo Ann, Custodial Services
Mai, Jia-Jia, Medicine
McCawley, Sandra Sue, Medicine
McNally, Peggy, Alcoholism Services
Mihalik, Carol E., Clinical Immunology
Mooney, Claire Agnes, Psychiatry
Nadeau, Carole F., Medicine
Paxton, Gary Emory, Medicine
Permutt, Lisa Ellen, Medicine
Privett, Teresa L., Medicine
Roberts, Garry B., Medicine
Schubert, Norman Mason, Medicine
Shahan, Judy B., Emergency Medicine Service
Shelley, Terry Harrison, Ophthalmology
Weeks, Kathleen A., Medicine
5 years of service
Averella, Kimberly Sue, Office of Academic Affairs
Bartley, Duane A., Medicine
Borkovic, Laurel Moshang, Medicine
Brown, Kimberly Ann, Medicine
Deborja, Eric J., Medicine
Disalvo, Stephanie A., Surgery Billing Office
Gantt, Pierre, Oncology Administration
Gibson-Davis, Althea V., Emergency Medicine Service
Han, Kyungeun Carol, Medicine
Malone, Kathleen, Facilities Management Office
McClary, Yvette, Gynecology-Obstetrics
Mullins, Wendy S., Pediatrics
Novak, Nicole Grace, Ophthalmology
Picarelli, Kathy L., Physician Billing Operations
Reed, Jeffrey, Psychiatry
Thompson, Maureen A., Medicine
Tompos, Susan, Oncology Center Services
Williams, Blanche, Medicine
5 years of service
Wilcox, Phyllis A., Registrar/Financial Aid
10 years of service
Pare, Barbara, Health Policy and Management
Smith, Patricia, Epidemiology
Taylor, Uvonna D., Population Information
5 years of service
Bonds, Margaret, Epidemiology
Sienche, Carol, Population Communication Services
5 years of service
Wolfowitz, Paul D., Dean�s Office
35 years of service
Hirons, Harry B., Power Plant
25 years of service
Lamonte, Joseph V., Jr., Microcomputing and Networking Services
20 years of service
Meerholz, Edward H., Office of Senior VP for Administration
Potter, Henrietta, Administrative Computing
10 years of service
Chappell, Alphelia F., Plant Operations and Maintenance
Janes, Jackson K., American Institute for Contemporary German Studies
Poehler, Theodore O., Office of the Provost
Willats, Joann Frances, Evergreen House
5 years of service
Boykins, Cornelius X., Plant Operations and Maintenance
Wentland, R. Daniel, Cash Accounting