Feb. 15-22

Johns Hopkins Gazette Online Edition

Villa Spelman Student Fellowships -- Applications are invited from graduate students who wish to participate in the Program in Social Theory and Historical Inquiry at the Charles S. Singleton Center for Italian Studies at the Villa Spelman, Florence, in the fall semester of 1999.

Students from all departments are welcome to apply, provided they can demonstrate the importance of this seminar for their work and the usefulness of spending a period of residence in Italy for successful completion of their doctorate. A limited number of fellowships will be awarded, and some travel money is available. Tuition is not covered.

If interested, students should submit a letter of application along with a brief recommendation from a faculty adviser to Anthony Pagden, 312 Gilman, and to the director of Villa Spelman, Elizabeth Croppper, 268 Mergenthaler, on the Homewood campus. The application should explain how the seminar will relate to the student�s program and why it would enhance the applicant�s long-term intellectual development. Deadline for applications is March 12.

Eating Awareness Group -- This support group is being offered for students concerned about weight, problematic eating habits or poor body image/self concept.

The 90-minute group will meet either Wednesday or Friday morning, depending on members' schedules. For more information, call 410-516-8278.

WORKlife Programs -- Several discussion groups have been developed from requests received within the Hopkins community:

* The black parenting group will explore issues related to raising children within the black community. Members share information about parenting needs, discuss mutual concerns and develop social support through relationships within the group. Meetings will be held on both the Homewood and East Baltimore campuses.

* The telephone discussion group for caregivers will use telephone conference calling to provide support and information for those caring for elderly family members. Membership will be limited to five individuals.

* The father�s chat room is designed for fathers who find it difficult to leave the office but who would like to communicate with other fathers to gain support and information about parenting their sons and daughters.

To register for any of these groups, call WORKlife Programs at 410-516-6605.

Swing Dance Group Lessons -- These classes will take place Thursdays at the Keswick Multi-Care Center, 700 W. 40th St., from Feb. 18 through March 18. Intermediate East Coast swing styling and technique will be taught from 7 to 8:30 p.m., and eight-count lindy from 8 to 9:30 p.m.

Both classes assume knowledge of triple-step swing. Cost will be $35 for the course or $8 per class. No partners are necessary. To register in advance, call Joanne Houlihan at 410-847-9174.