The Johns Hopkins Gazette: April 3, 2000
Apr. 4-10

Johns Hopkins Gazette Online Edition


Living in America -- The International Society of JHMI will host "Crossing the Borders," a monthly lunchtime discussion group intended to provide international affiliates an opportunity to learn about American culture and also to discuss why living in America can be confusing, difficult and lonely.

The first session will take place Thurs., April 6, from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m., in the Reed Hall Library. Interested individuals may bring a bag lunch; dessert and coffee or tea will be provided. For more information, call 410-955-3370 or e-mail [email protected].

Professional Development and Networking -- The Johns Hopkins Chi chapter of Delta Sigma Pi's spring pledge class of 2000 is planning a night of professional development and networking at the Hopkins Club. A representative from the Chapman Financial Services Company of Baltimore will speak about personal investments.

In addition, donations for the Children's Center charitable drive will be collected. Suggestions for donations include baby books (soft vinyl), baby toys, bubble liquid, booties and socks, crayons, bibs and toddler drinking cups.

The cost for the event is $25, which will cover the price of the meal. For more information, call Veronica Black at 410-516-6087 or e-mail [email protected].

MBA Rugby Tournament -- Players are still needed to join Johns Hopkins MBA, SAIS and other grad students for the International Business School Rugby Tournament at Duke University. Each spring 25 teams from the world's top business schools representing five countries participate in the annual weekend of friendly rugby competition for the Dean Thomas F. Keller Trophy.

There will also be a golf tournament, networking events with other MBA students from around the world and the opportunity to meet with representatives from Credit Suisse, First Boston Bank and other tournament sponsors. All graduate students/alums are allowed to play regardless of degree or major; there is also a ladies competitive bracket.

Nasdaq is the sponsor of the Johns Hopkins MBA rugby team.

Individuals interested in playing--regardless of rugby skills--or who want to travel to Duke University to support the team--should contact JHU MBA team captain Jerry Crute at [email protected]. For more information about the tournament, go to

Tissue Typing Drive -- "Type for Life," co-sponsored by the schools of Medicine, Nursing and Public Health and the National Marrow Donor Program, is the first student-run tissue typing drive.

The National Marrow Donor Program maintains a registry to match patients and volunteers with compatible tissue types. Minority volunteers are especially needed to help diversify the registry.

Getting typed requires only a small blood draw and should take only five to 10 minutes. Interested individuals can get typed at one of the following locations on the indicated dates:

School of Public Health,
April 10, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Anna Baetjer Room

School of Nursing,
April 10, 2 to 5 p.m., Carpenter Room
April 11, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Room 9

JHH Children's Zoo,
April 12, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

School of Medicine,
April 13, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., 113/114
Preclinical Teaching Building

For more information about "Type for Life," contact Anne Reis (SOM), 410-532-8828; Sallie Permar (Public Health), 410-955-3726; or Jennifer Annibale (SON), 410-732-7516.

Relay for Life -- The 2000 Hopkins Relay for Life will begin at 7 p.m. on Fri., April 14, and continue until noon on Sat., April 15. The relay will take place at the Athletic Center practice field on the Homewood campus. The overnight team relay event raises funds to fight cancer and raises awareness of cancer in the community.

Highlights of the event are the Survivor's Walk and the Luminary Ceremony, honoring cancer survivors and remembering those who lost the battle to cancer. All cancer survivors are encouraged to join the Survivor's Walk, and everyone is encouraged to purchase luminaries in honor of a loved one winning (or who has won) the battle against cancer or in memory of a loved one who did not survive cancer.

To join the Survivor's Walk, purchase a luminary or form a team, call Eden Blum at 410-516-6060, Cindy Haebler at 410-955-9253 or Lillie Shockney at 410-614-2853.