Funding for Cancer Research Projects -- The American Cancer Society has made available $147,500 to support promising new cancer research projects by junior faculty. Grants of a maximum of $20,000 (direct costs only), primarily for research supplies and technical services, will be awarded on a competitive basis. Applications will be accepted only from full-time, tenure-track JHU faculty members at the ranks of instructor and assistant professor or equivalent, who are within eight years of their first independent research or faculty appointment. Within the scope of cancer research, various approaches will be considered, including basic laboratory studies and clinical research that can encompass psychosocial and behavioral research, as well as epidemiologic research and health policy. Completed applications must be received by Research Administration Services, 708N Wyman Park Center on the Homewood campus, no later than Aug. 28. For more information, contact Elaine Simonds at 410-516-8734 or e-mail [email protected]. To receive advance e-mail notice of other competitive research opportunities coordinated by Research Administration Services, send an e-mail message to [email protected]. Leave the subject line blank. For the body of the message, type "SUBSCRIBE JHU_FUNDING_OPS YOUR NAME". You will receive confirmation of your addition to our subscribers list.
Searle, Pew, Burroughs Wellcome Award Programs -- Applications for awards in 2001 are requested for the Searle Scholars Program of the Chicago Community Trust, the Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences and the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Awards in the Biomedical Sciences. The Searle Scholars Program supports the independent research of outstanding individuals in the first or second year of their tenure-track appointment at the assistant professor level. Grants are normally $60,000 a year for three years. Candidates should be pursuing research careers in pharmacology, genetics, immunology, cell biology, neuroscience, biochemistry and related areas in the fields of medicine, chemistry and the biological sciences. Applicants must have begun or will begin their first tenure-track appointment as an assistant professor in a clinical or basic science department on or after July 1, 1999. The Pew Scholars Program supports beginning investigators of outstanding promise in basic and clinical sciences relevant to the advancement of human health by providing them with assured funds as they establish and obtain other funding for their laboratories. Awards are normally $60,000 a year for four years. Candidates must have a doctorate in medicine or other health-related professions, or biomedical sciences, and also hold a full-time assistant professor or independent researcher appointment as of Nov. 1, 2000. On July 1, 2001, they shall not have been members of the full-time faculty at any institution for more than three years (excluding time spent as a clinical intern, resident or working toward board certification), regardless of tenure status. Faculty may not hold similar private foundation awards simultaneously with the first two years of the Pew Fellowship. Both Searle and Pew encourage research clinicians and basic scientists to apply. Johns Hopkins University may nominate up to two candidates for the Searle program and two candidates for the Pew program, one of whose research involves them directly with patients. Awards will be activated by July 1, 2001. The Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Awards in the Biomedical Sciences provides research training support beginning in the advanced postdoctoral years through the initial years of faculty service to assist fellows in becoming independent investigators. Awards comprise salary support of $38,000 to $65,000 per year and a research allowance of $16,000 to $65,000 per year, for a possible total of $574,000 over six years. Awards specifically targeted for reproductive science are included. Candidates must have M.D. or Ph.D. degrees in the biomedical sciences and be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or Canada. All candidates must have completed at least one year and not more than four years of postdoctoral training at the time of nomination. Recipients must complete at least one postdoctoral year following activation of their award. Johns Hopkins Uiversity may nominate six candidates, ideally three M.D.'s and three Ph.D.'s. Individuals who hold a faculty appointment at any level are not eligible. Last year the Hitchings-Elion Fellowships were merged with the Career Awards. Investigators seeking support for study in the United Kingdom or Ireland should apply for Career Awards. If there is at least one candidate in this category, or one in reproductive science, a total of seven candidates may be nominated. Internal selection committees have been formed to choose the university's candidates. Selection of candidates will be completed by the end of August or early September in order to allow ample time for preparing the final applications. The internal deadline for the Searle, Pew and Burroughs Wellcome Fund awards is Monday, July 24. Completed applications should be sent to Elaine Simonds at 708N Wyman Park Center, by this date. Information on these and other programs coordinated by Research Administration Services is available on the Resource homepage at http://resource.ca.jhu.edu under "Funding Opportunities.
Health Care Leadership Conference -- The National Student Leadership Conference on Medicine and Health Care is looking for motivated college and graduate students with knowledge of and interest in medicine, nursing, health care or related sciences to serve as teaching assistants or team advisers for gifted and talented high school students attending leadership conferences. Responsibilities include assisting in academic portions of programs; supervising students on visits to prominent health care facilities, research institutions and Washington D.C. landmarks; and serving as residence hall advisers. Candidates may apply for one or more sessions (six days plus training). Programs run from July through the first week of August. Salary is competitive. Submit resumes via e-mail to [email protected] or by fax to 561-392-3722.
Support for Innovative Study -- The Center for a Livable Future invites applications for the eight to 10 awards it makes annually in the $10,000 to $20,000 range. Topics that include several of the following areas will be given priority: health and the environment, equity and development; diet, consumption and health; food production and the humane treatment of animals; equity and population dynamics; environmental justice; international implications. These may include concept pieces and cross-cultural analyses. Deadline for applications is July 15 for awards that begin Sept. 15. Applications should include research abstract, introduction, aims, methods and significance; a biographical sketch modeled after an NIH 398 application; a budget page; other support pages, figures and references. Submit applications to Polly Walker, Center for a Livable Future, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, 614 N. Wolfe St. #1033. For more information, contact Melanie Frazier, 410-223-1608, fax 410-347-3225, e-mail [email protected].