The Johns Hopkins Gazette: May 29, 2001
May 29, 2001
VOL. 30, NO. 36



Johns Hopkins Gazette Online Edition

Great Excavations project moves into summer stages

The Great Excavations project on the Homewood campus will throttle back up this week. On May 29, the University Parkway entrance to campus will close for a week or so for final road surfacing. The final touches on the stretch of walk from the Athletic Center circle south to "the beach" should be wrapped up by about June 15. And, with the recent delivery of the first two loads of the necessary marble, work is under way again on the new courtyard at the north end of the lower quad. Completion of that part of the project is dependent on delivery of the remaining marble.

The main event for the summer is the reconfiguration of the beach and the 34th Street entrance to campus. Part of the plan is to restore the full circle that historically ran entirely around the beach and back to Charles Street. The circle will be paved with granite cobbles. Outside the circle, there will be brick walks and lighting and landscaping improvements. This work will start next week and is scheduled for completion by the fall semester.

Also under way is planning for the first comprehensive signage and pedestrian directional system ever at Homewood. More details will be available as the summer unfolds.

For updated information on the activity, the administration encourages members of the Homewood community to subscribe to the Great Excavations listserv. Details are on line at

'Johns Hopkins Magazine' takes honors in CASE competition

"Pride in Joy," an article in Johns Hopkins Magazine co-authored by Joy Igonikon ('00) and Dale Keiger, a senior writer on the magazine and a visiting associate professor in the Writing Seminars, was selected the grand gold medal winner by Chronicle of Higher Education judges in the CASE Best Articles category.

The story chronicles Igonikon's academic struggles and her decisions to abandon her dream of becoming a doctor and to pursue her new-found interest in writing.

It appeared in the September 2000 issue and can be found on the Web at

In addition, the magazine's 50th anniversary edition--"Pioneers of the Past, Present and Future" (April 2000)--captured a bronze medal in the CASE Special Issues category.

Faculty and staff are eligible for summer courses

It's not too late to add an academic course or two to your summer plans. Staff and faculty (who fall into the category of special students) are eligible for summer courses in the schools of Arts and Sciences and Engineering, along with visiting undergraduates and academically talented high school students who have completed their sophomore year.

Registration for the second term, which begins July 2, is June 27.

Summer classes are designed to stretch the mind and the imagination, sharpen skills and meet academic and professional needs. Both day and evening classes are scheduled.

For information on the courses available, go to or e-mail [email protected] or call 410-416-4548.

Two students to intern with International Rescue Committee

Thanks to an anonymous donor, two Hopkins students will be working overseas this summer, serving internships in Kenya and the Republic of Georgia with the International Rescue Committee. The donor provides $10,000 each year to cover medical, travel and living expenses for the students.

Megan Mentrek, a junior international studies major, will be going to the Republic of Georgia to help citizens create institutions that foster self-reliance and democracy. Deborah Tsuchida, a junior public health major, will be part of relief efforts to aid the hundreds of thousands of war refugees in Kenya.

This is the second year of an ongoing program to give undergraduates overseas experience.

'The Gazette' begins biweekly summer schedule

With this issue, which includes commencement coverage, The Gazette will begin its biweekly summer schedule. The next issue will be published on June 11.

The weekly schedule will resume on Sept. 4, the week during which the fall semester begins.