Tues., March 5, 4:15 p.m. "Dynamics of Thermophilic
and Mesophilic Cytochromes c: How Are Flexi- bility and
Stability Related?" a Chemistry colloquium with Kara Bren,
University of Rochester; 233 Remsen. HW Wed., March 6, 5 p.m. "The Sodium Pump, Past and Future," a Biology colloquium with Douglas Fambrough; Mudd Lecture Hall. HW Fri., March 8, 2 p.m. "Center for Educational Resources at Homewood" with Gail Richter-Nelson; Parsons Auditorium. APL Program is simulcast to 218 Maryland Hall on the Homewood campus. HW
Mon., March 11, 1 p.m. "Effects of CAM Interventions
on Oxidative DNA Damage in Cancer Cells," a Center for
Complementary and Alternative Medicine research conference
with William Nelson; Conference Room, 3rd floor, 1830 Bldg.
Mon., March 4, 4 p.m. "Electronic Sensor
Installation," a presentation and discussion with JHU
Engineering student Wesley Smith. Part of the weekly "Salon"
series sponsored by the Digital Media Center. 225 Mattin
Center. HW Mon., March 11, 4 p.m. "Music Copyright/Copywrong," a presentation and discussion with Lorraine Whittlesey, Brian Udoff and Nat Duca. Part of the weekly "Salon" series sponsored by the Digital Media Center. 225 Mattin Center. HW
"Traveling Film South Asia," a selection of 15
outstanding films from the third Film South Asia documentary
festival. For details, go to
Fri., March 8, 6:30 p.m. Colours Black and We Homes Chap; 9 p.m. Born at Home; 101 Remsen. HW |
Wed., March 6, 5:30 p.m. "Recessions and Public
Policy: Tweaking Deficits, Debt, Interest Rates and Money"
by Carl Christ. Wine and cheese reception follows the
lecture. Evergreen Carriage House. Thurs., March 7, 4 p.m. "The Work of Friendship: Nurturing Manhood in the Great Migration" by Elsa Barkley Brown, UMD. A JHU Women's History Month event sponsored by the Program for the Study of Women, Gender and Sexuality. 323 Gilman. HW Fri., March 8, 5 p.m. "Reliquienberg und Stigma--Clemens Brentano und Anna Katharina Emmerick" by Gabriele Brandstetter, Universitat Basel; 238 Gilman. HW
Monday, March 4, to Friday, March 8, Type for Life,
third annual marrow registration drive organized by students
of the schools of Medicine, Nursing and Public Health to
provide free convenient registration with the National
Marrow Donor Program. Monday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Carpenter
Room, SON, Tuesday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., 113 PCTB, SOM and
Children's Zoo, JHH, Wednesday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Anna
Baetjer Room, BSPH, Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Plaza
level, JHOC, Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Children's Zoo,
Tues., March 5, 7:30 p.m. Peabody Preparatory faculty
concert with Seljuk Kardan, Micah Yui, Susan Harwood,
Elysabeth Muscat-Catbas and Devonna Rowe; Leakin Hall.
Peabody Fri., March 8, 7:30 p.m. Computer Music Concert Exchange 1, innovative multimedia works featuring computers, digital synthesizers, live performers and video; Griswold Hall. Peabody Sat., March 9, 7:30 p.m. Peabody Camerata performs music by Britten, Dallapiccola, Macbride and Rochberg; Griswold Hall. Peabody Sat., March 9, 8:30 p.m. Halleluyah Jewish a Cappella Festival, featuring JHU's Ketzev and guest groups from around the country. Sponsored by Hopkins Hillel and SAC. Schafler Auditorium, Bloomberg. HW
Mon., March 4, 9 a.m. "HIV-Related Risk Behaviors and
Treatment-Related Attitudes Among Injection Drug Users in
the Era of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapies," a thesis
defense seminar with Waimar Tun; W2030 BSPH. EB Mon., March 4, noon. "Vanilloid Receptors: Beyond Cutaneous Pain," a Clinical Neuroscience seminar with Michael Caterina; 1-191 Meyer. EB Mon., March 4, 12:15 p.m. "The Reporting of Sensitive Behavior Among Adolescents: A Methodological Experiment in Kenya" with Paul Hewett and Barbara Mensch, Population Council; W2030 BSPH. EB Mon., March 4, 12:15 p.m. "Two Novel Functions for the CDK Inhibitor Dacapo in Drosophila Ovarian Cysts," a Carnegie Institution of Washington Embryology seminar with Mary Lilly, NIH/NICHD; Seminar Room, 115 W. University Pkwy. HW Mon., March 4, 2 p.m. "Redefining Subclinical Blood Lead Toxicity in Children from <=10 ug/dL to," a thesis defense seminar with Susan Bernard; E7130 BSPH. EB Mon., March 4, 4 p.m. "Carbon, Nitrogen and Water Cycling in Response to Rising Atmospheric CO2," an Earth and Planetary Sciences seminar with Bruce Hungate, Northern Arizona University; 305 Olin. HW Mon., March 4, 4:30 p.m. "The Tree Complex and the Tree Representation" with Greg Arone, University of Virginia; 211 Krieger. HW Tues., March 5, noon. "Insights Into the Molecular and Cellular Basis for X-linked Retinoschisis," a Wilmer Eye Institute seminar with Robert Molday, University of British Columbia. Co-sponsored by the Visual Neurosciences Training Program. 501 Maumenee. EB Tues., March 5, noon. "Mechanisms of Glucose Induced Insulin Resistance: A Role for O-GlcNAc Modified Proteins?" a Biological Chemistry seminar with Maria Buse, Medical University of South Carolina; 612 Physiology. EB Tues., March 5, noon. "Optimization of Bioenergetics: An Evolutionary Perspective," a Center for Human Nutrition seminar with Enrique Melendez-Hevia, University of La Laguna, Spain; W2008 BSPH. EB Tues., March 5, 1:30 p.m. "Chromosomal and Carcinogenic Effects of Sequential HZE and Low-LET Radiation," a thesis defense seminar with Dustin Simonson; E2133 BSPH. EB Tues., March 5, 4:30 p.m. "Contact Toric Manifolds" with Eugene Lerman; 308 Krieger. HW Wed., March 6, 8:15 a.m. "Placebo Controls," a Center for Clinical Trials seminar with Robert Temple, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, USFDA; W2030 BSPH. EB Wed., March 6, 9:30 a.m. "The Role of T Helper 1 and T Helper 2 Cytokines in Murine Experimental Autoimmune Mycarditis," a thesis defense seminar with Marina Afanasyeva; W7023 BSPH. EB Wed., March 6, 10:15 a.m. "Directional Molecular Recognition by U2AF, an Essential Human Splicing Factor," a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology seminar with Clara Kielkopf, Rockefeller University; W1020 BSPH. EB Wed., March 6, 1:30 p.m. "A Genomic Approach for Mapping Biochemical Activities to Genes," a Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry seminar with Eric Phizicky, University of Rochester School of Medicine; 517 PCTB. EB Wed., March 6, 4 p.m. "Translating the Histone Code: A Tale of Tails," a Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences seminar with C. David Allis, University of Virginia; WBSB Auditorium. EB Wed., March 6, 4:30 p.m. "Lecture(s) on Loop Groups-III" with Nitu Kitchloo; 211 Krieger. HW Thurs., March 7, 10:15 a.m. "Structure and Mechanism of Action of the Bacterial DNA Polymerase Processivity Clamp Loader," a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology seminar with David Jeruzalmi, Rockefeller University; W3030 BSPH. EB Thurs., March 7, noon. "Tending the Garden of Civilization: What Kind of Digital World Do You Want?" a JHU Information Security Institute seminar with John Perry Barlow, Electronic Frontier Foundation; Ross Jones Bldg., 101 Mattin Center. HW Thurs., March 7, 1:30 p.m. "Personal Exposure Monitoring Meets Risk Assessment: A Comparison of Measured and Modeled Exposure (and Risks) in an Urban Community" with Devon Payne-Sturges; W6015 BSPH. EB Thurs., March 7, 3 p.m. "Robotics at the Micro/Nano Scale: Tele-Nanorobotics Using Nanoprobes and Micromechanical Flying Insects," a Mechanical Engineering seminar with Metin Sitti, University of California, Berkeley; 110 Maryland. HW Thurs., March 7, 3:30 p.m. "Fungi vs. the Immune System: War Between the Worlds," a Molecular Biology and Genetics seminar with Gerald Fink, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research; 517 PCTB. EB Thurs., March 7, 4 p.m. "Histone Acetrytransferases: From Structure to Mechanism," a Biology seminar with Ronen Marmorstein, The Wistar Institute; 100 Mudd. HW Thurs., March 7, 4 p.m. "Modified Likelihood Ratio Test for Finite Mixture Models," a Mathematical Sciences seminar with Jiahua Chen, University of Waterloo; 304 Whitehead. HW Thurs., March 7, 4 p.m. "'It Is Not Magic, It Is Knowledge!' Propaganda, Cultural Production and the Cinema in Tanganyika Territory, 1933-37" with Matthew Bender and "The Apostle Into Stone: Cuban Nationalism and Monuments in Honor of Jose Marti" with Joa Felipe Concalves, an Institute for Global Studies in Culture, Power and History seminar; 404 Macaulay. HW Fri., March 8, 12:15 p.m. "Studying Four Key Components of the Trypanosome RNA Editing Complex," a Carnegie Institution of Washington Embryology seminar with Catherine Huang; Seminar Room, 115 W. University Pkwy. HW Mon., March 11, 12:15 p.m. "Membrane Cholesterol--From Rafts to Cytoskeleton," a Carnegie Institution of Washington Embryology seminar with Michael Edidin; Seminar Room, 115 W. University Pkwy. HW Mon., March 11, 12:15 p.m. "Responses to the HIV Epidemic in Rural Malawi" with Susan Watkins, University of Pennsylvania; W2030 BSPH. EB Mon., March 11, 4 p.m. The David Bodian Seminar in Neuroscience--"Attention Control and Perceptual Organization in Binocular Rivalry" with Teng Leng Ooi, Southern College of Optometry; 338 Krieger. HW Mon., March 11, 4 p.m. "Molecular Modeling in Environmental Geochemistry," an Earth and Planetary Sciences seminar with James Kubicki, Pennsylvania State University; Olin Hall Auditorium. HW
Symposium on Foreign Affairs, March 4 through April
17. HW
Mon., March 4, 8 p.m. "Post-Cold War Power Vacuums in Africa: Options for U.S. Policy" with U.S. Sen. Russell Feingold; Glass Pavilion, Levering."Open Hands, Open Hearts: Exploring Diverse Faith Traditions," JHU religious awareness days. HW
Mon., March 4, 8 p.m. Student digital media presentation; 3 Shaffer.Tues., March 5, 7:30 p.m. Voyage and Discovery series--"An Almost True Tale of the First Derivation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells" by John Gearhart; Mudd Hall Auditorium. HW Wed., March 6, noon. Wednesday Noon Series--"Healing Heartburn," a lecture by Lawrence Cheskin and Brian Lacy, authors of the book published by the Johns Hopkins University Press. Sponsored by Special Events and the Johns Hopkins University Press. Shriver Hall. HW Sat., March 9, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Gala 2002, a semiformal event celebrating Black History Month with dinner, dancing, cash bar and live music by Rollex and DJ Tiz. $35. 443-778-4412 or 410-614-5475. Glass Pavilion, Levering. HW
Tues., March 5, 3 p.m. Men's Baseball, vs. Villa
Julie; Homewood baseball field.
Fri., March 8, and Sat., March 9, 8 p.m., and Sun., March
10, 2:15 p.m. Theatre Hopkins production of Laura. $12
at the door on Friday evening, $15 on Saturday evening and
Sunday afternoon. 410-516-7159. Merrick Barn. HW
Thurs., March 7, 3 p.m. "William Osler, 'An Alabama
Student,' and Tales from Medical Work," a workshop with
Steve Stowe, Indiana University; Seminar Room, 3rd floor,
Welch Medical Library. EB Mon., March 11, 6:30 p.m. "AED Series: Medicine and Hospital Administration," with Beryl Rosenstein. Attendance is expected of all prehealth professions students. Room 160, Mattin Hall Arts Center. HW