Fri., May 17, 2 p.m. "Stem Cell Research," an Applied
Physics Laboratory colloquium with John Gearhart; Parsons
Auditorium. APL Program is simulcast to 218 Maryland Hall
on the Homewood campus.
Fri. and Sat., May 17 and 18, 8:30 p.m. A Homewood
Arts Program presentation of Steamboat Bill, Jr., classic
1928 silent film comedy starring Buster Keaton with original
score and live accompaniment by local band Boister. $5, $3
students. 410-516-2224. Mattin Center Courtyard (In case of
rain, film will be shown in the SDS Room, Mattin Center).
Mon., May 13, 4 p.m. The Francis D. Carlson Lecture
in Biophysics--"Fluorescence: The Motile Behavior of
Bacteria Seen in New Light" by Howard Berg, Harvard
University; Mudd Lecture Hall. HW Mon., May 13, 5 p.m. Dean's Lecture IV--"DNA Topoisomerases: New Twist for Therapy of African Sleeping Sickness?" by Theresa Shapiro; Hurd Hall. EB Tues., May 14, noon. The Shallenberger Lecture--"Medical Harm and Its Fallout: Making Health Care Safer for Everyone" by Virginia Ashby Sharpe, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Washington, D.C.; Hurd Hall. EB Tues., May 14, 4 p.m. The 19th Annual Hopkins/Maryland Lecture in Reproductive Biology by Donald Coffey; East Wing Auditorium, BSPH. EB Wed., May 15, 4 p.m. The 2002 Belfer Lecture--"How Does a Protease Act Like a Hormone? Signaling Mechanisms and Roles of Protease-Activated Receptors" by Shaun Coughlin, UCSF Cardiovascular Research Institute. Reception to follow. Mountcastle Auditorium, PCTB. EB Wed., May 15, 4:30 p.m. The Third Robert H. Levi Lecture in Bioethics and Public Policy--"Ethics and Stem Cell Science" by John Gearhart. Reception to follow. East Wing Auditorium, BSPH. EB Thurs., May 16, 4 p.m. Distinguished Lecture in Public Health Preparedness--"The Role of Risk Assessment in Responding to Anthrax" by Charles Haas, Drexel University; W2030 BSPH. EB
Sun., May 19, 3 p.m. The Fran G. Zarubick Spring
Honors Recital featuring Peabody Preparatory's most
outstanding performers; Griswold Hall. Peabody
Thurs., May 16, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Open House for
graduate and undergraduate degree programs in the Part-time
Programs in Engineering and Applied Science. 410-516-8728.
Montgomery County Campus, 9601 Medical Center Drive,
Mon., May 13, 12:15 p.m. "Parent-based Intervention
to Reduce Adolescent Risk Behavior" with James Jaccard,
State University of New York; W2030 BSPH. EB Mon., May 13, 12:15 p.m. "Fishing for Mechanisms of Disease Resistance in Trout: A Functional Genomics Approach," a Carnegie Institution of Washington Embryology seminar with John Hansen, University of Maryland/ Center for Marine Biotechnology; Seminar Room, 115 W. University Pkwy. HW Mon., May 13, 4 p.m. "Covalent Modification of Nucleic Acids and Proteins by Metal Complexes and Simple Metal Salts," a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology seminar with Steven Rokita, University of Maryland, College Park; W2030 BSPH. EB Tues., May 14, 4 p.m. "Hierarchical Multivariate CAR Models for Spatio-Temporally Correlated Survival Data" with Bradley Carlin, University of Minnesota School of Public Health; W1020 BSPH. EB Wed., May 15, 12:15 p.m. "Epidemiology of Autism," a Mental Hygiene seminar with Craig Newschaffer; Hampton House. EB Wed., May 15, 12:15 p.m. "The Missing Middle: Working Families and the Future of American Social Policy," a Hopkins Population Center seminar with Theda Skocpol. Co-sponsored by Sociology. W2030 BSPH. EB Wed., May 15, 1:30 p.m. "New Structural Paradigms on Receptor Recognition and Activation," a Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry seminar with Christopher Garcia, Stanford University School of Medicine; 517 PCTB. EB Wed., May 15, 4 p.m. "Global Analysis of the Yeast Genome and Proteome: A Tale of Two Chips," a Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences seminar with Michael Snyder, Yale University; 303 WBSB. EB Wed., May 15, 4 p.m. "Motherhood and Work in the Development of U.S. Social Policy: Past, Present and Future" with Theda Skocpol. Part of the series An Embarrassment of Riches: Investing America's Wealth in Children. W1020 BSPH. EB Thurs., May 16, noon. "Epithelial Cell Polarity: Vesicles, PARs and Copper," a Cell Biology seminar with Ann Hubbard. Suite 2-200, 1830 Bldg. EB Thurs., May 16, 12:45 p.m. "Leptin and a Neural Circuit Regulating Body Weight and Metabolism," a Neuroscience research seminar with Jeff Friedman, Rockefeller University; 811 WBSB. EB Thurs., May 16, 3:15 p.m. "Comparing the Human and Mouse Genomes," a Molecular Biology and Genetics seminar with Lior Pachter; 517 PCTB. EB Thurs., May 16, 4 p.m. "Differential Geometry and Colon Cancer: Computer-Aided Detection of Colon Cancer Using Virtual Colonoscopy" with James Malley, NIH; 304 Whitehead Hall. HW Thurs., May 16, 4 p.m. "Crystallography to Map Interaction Domains on Protein Surfaces," a Biology seminar with Carla Mattos, North Carolina State University; 100 Mudd. HW Mon., May 20, 12:15 p.m. "Molecular Mechanisms of TGF-beta Signaling," a Carnegie Institution of Washington Embryology seminar with Ying Zhang, NIH/NCI; Seminar Room, 115 W. University Pkwy. HW
Mon., May 13, 6 p.m. "Camelot at Dawn: A Photographic
Exhibition of the Kennedys," tour of a select exhibit of
photographs from the book Camelot at Dawn: Jacqueline and
John Kennedy in Georgetown, May 1954 and a wine reception
for Baltimore alumni. 7 p.m. Discussion with Ann Garside,
who wrote the book's text. $15 per person for dues payers
and their guests; $20 per person for non-dues payers and
guests. Evergreen Carriage House, 4545 N. Charles Street. Fri., May 17, noon. JHU Women's Network 15th Annual Spring Luncheon with Baltimore Sun columnist Susan Reimer. Registration is still open. 410-955-3514. Glass Pavilion, Levering. HW Fri., May 17, 4:30 to 8 p.m. Opening reception for the graduate exhibition of the Medical and Biological Illustration Program. Sponsored by Art as Applied to Medicine and the GSA. Exhibition continues through May 30. Houck Courtyard and Lobby. EB
Fri., May 17, and Sat., May 18, 8 p.m., and Sun., May
19, 2:15 p.m. Final performances of the Theatre Hopkins
production of Pygmalion. $12 at the door, Friday evening,
$15 on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. Merrick Barn.