![]() Cheers is a monthly listing of honors and awards received by faculty, staff and students plus recent appointments and promotions. Contributions must be submitted in writing and be accompanied by a phone number.
Thomas A. Burke has been promoted to professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management. Wesley Eddings, a doctoral candidate in biostatistics, is the recipient of the 2002 Helen Abbey Award for Excellence in Teaching. Lynn Goldman, professor of environmental health sciences, was named Alumna of the Year by her alma mater, the University of California, Berkeley. She received both her master's and M.D. degrees from the university's Joint Medical Program, which is now part of its School of Public Health. She will be honored during the graduation ceremony in May. David Jacoby, associate professor of medicine and environmental health sciences, was elected recently to the American Society for Clinical Investigation. Marco Nunez, a doctoral candidate in health policy and management, was named governor of the state of Valparaiso by Chilean President Ricardo Largos. Nunez is the youngest governor in the history of Chile. Jonathan Patz, assistant professor of environmental health sciences, was named co-editor-in-chief of the new journal Global Change and Human Health and is co-editor of a new book, Ecosystem Change and Public Health. Kellogg Schwab, assistant professor of environmental health sciences, was appointed to Gov. Parris N. Glendening's Task Force on Upgrading Sewerage Systems in Maryland. Corinne Shefner, a doctoral candidate in population and family health sciences, received the top award in the student paper category from the International Communication Association's Health Communication Division. Jonathan Weiner, professor of health policy and management, was featured on the cover of the January issue of Managed Care magazine. His article, "Health Care Fed," explains the need for a government agency to set standards for health care coverage, similar to the way the U.S. Federal Reserve Board regulates monetary policy. James D. Yager, professor of environmental health sciences and senior associate dean for academic affairs, has been appointed to the National Toxicology Program Special Emphasis Panel to review the validation status of in vitro estrogen and androgen receptor binding and transcription activation assays. He also has been appointed to the Endrocrine Disruptor Methods Validation Subcommittee of the EPA's National Council for Environmental Policy and Technology. The 2001 Science in Journalism Award from the American Association for the Advancement of Science was given to Scott Shane of The Sun for his three-part series featuring Dean Alfred Sommer and the school's program to bring vitamins to the people of Nepal. The series was titled A Quiet Crusade. Chiung-Yu Huang and Thomas Travison, both doctoral candidates in biostatistics, are the recipients of the 2002 Margaret Merrell Award for Excellence in Research. Christopher D. Toscano and Ming-Kai Chen won first and second place awards, respectively, at the Pre-Doctoral Student Competition of the Neurotoxicology Specialty Section of the Society of Toxicology at the recent 41st annual meeting in Nashville, Tenn. Four students from the Center for Human Nutrition have received the following honors for 2002: Kerry Schulze, the Harry D. Kruse Fellowship in Nutrition; Jessica Noel, the Elsa Orent Keiles Fellowship in Biochemistry and Human Nutrition in International Health; Alisha Rovner, the Harry J. Prebluda Fellowship in Nutritional Biochemistry; and Jee Rah, the Bacon Chow Scholarship in Human Nutrition.
David Kern, co-director of the Division of General Internal Medicine at Bayview, has won the Mid-Atlantic Society for General Internal Medicine's award for excellence as a clinician-teacher. Kern has won national recognition previously for his work on the faculty development program and for publishing a text on the development of curricula. Michael McCoy has been named Bayview's Web administrator. McCoy has worked as a consultant for Bayview and other Hopkins entities since 1997. In his new role, he is responsible for developing and maintaining Bayview's intranet and Internet sites and reports directly to Greg Schaffer, medical center president.
Chia-Ling Chien has been named the Jacob L. Hain Professor of Physics and Astronomy. Bertrand Garcia-Moreno has been promoted to professor in the Department of Biophysics, effective July 1. Bruce Hamilton has been appointed professor emeritus in the Department of Economics. Thomas Lectka has been promoted to professor in the Department of Chemistry, effective July 1. Bianca Theisen has been promoted to professor in the Department of German, effective July 1.
James H. Anderson has been named professor emeritus in the Department of Radiology. Lawrence J. Appel has been promoted to professor of medicine. Marshall S. Bedine, assistant professor of medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology, has won the 2002 Outstanding Clinician Award from the American Gastroenterology Association. He receives the award at the annual Digestive Disease Week conference in San Francisco this May. Edward J. Bernacki, associate professor of occupational health medicine, director of the Division of Occupational Medicine and executive director of health, safety and environment, has been elected president of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Shawn L. Celio, formerly a human resources manager at Lockheed Martin, has joined the school's human resources staff as the HR/payroll records manager. He holds a bachelor's degree in business management and a master's degree in business administration. Donald S. Coffey, professor of urology, oncology, pathology, and pharmacology and molecular sciences, and director of urology research, has been selected as the Pacific West Cancer Fund's Researcher of the Year for 2001. The award brings a $5,000 gift earmarked for prostate cancer research. Pierre Coulombe has been promoted to professor of biological chemistry. Mario A. Eisenberger, professor of oncology and urology, has been named the inaugural recipient of the R. Dale Hughes Professorship in Oncology.The professorship was endowed by printing businessman and philanthropist R. Dale Hughes and his wife, Frances, and two other families. Rachel Johnson, a fifth-year medical student and doctoral candidate at the School of Public Health, was chosen by Ebony magazine as one of 2001's 30 leaders of the future. Johnson is president of the Student National Medical Association. She recently traveled to Havana as a member of the Congressional Black Caucus Task Force and to Ghana as a member of the Save A Million Lives Project medical mission. Murray A. Kalish, assistant professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine, was re-elected vice chairman of the statewide Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council. He has been a member of the council since it was established in 1993 and serves as chairman of the finance committee for the State of Maryland Emergency Medical Services. Haskins K. Kashima has been named professor emeritus of otolaryngology, effective July 1. John J. Laterra has been promoted to professor of neurology with a secondary appointment in Oncology. Hyam I. Levitsky, associate professor of oncology, medicine and urology, was elected to the American Society for Clinical Investigation. He also has been named a Stohlman Scholar by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of America. Steven A. Lietman, assistant professor of orthopedic surgery, has received a career development award from the Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation. The award provides $225,000 over the next three years for Lietman, with Michael A. Levine, director of pediatric endocrinology, to study molecular mechanisms in bone formation. Ernesto P. Molmenti has been selected to receive an American College of Surgeons Faculty Research Fellowship. The fellowship assists a surgeon who has demonstrated the potential to establish a new and independent research program. The award is $40,000 per year for each of two years. Drew M. Pardoll has been named the first recipient of the Seraph Professorship in Oncology. Antony Rosen has been promoted to professor of medicine with secondary appointments in Pathology and Cell Biology. Alan R. Schwartz has been promoted to professor of medicine. Saraswati Sukamar has been promoted to professor of oncology and has been named as the inaugural recipient of the newly established Barbara B. Rubenstein Professorship in Oncology. Jonathan M. Zenilman has been promoted to professor of medicine. Three faculty members are listed among "The Best Doctors for Women--Coast to Coast" in the April issue of Ladies Home Journal. They are Nancy Davidson, professor and director of the Oncology Center's breast cancer research program; Julie Lange, professor of surgery; and Richard Zellars, assistant professor of radiation oncology. The Johns Hopkins ovarian cancer Web site, launched in September 2000, has received the Editor's Choice Award from HealingWell.com for exceptional Web design, reliable health information and patient accessibility and support. In addition, the International Association of Web Masters and Designers awarded the site its top Golden Web Award, which recognizes excellence in design. The site team includes Web master and designers Amanda Lietman, Jen Brumbaugh and Coreen Byam; nurse Karen McClelland; Richard Roden, assistant professor of pathology; and Sean Patrick, patient advocate and ovarian cancer survivor. The site can be found at ovariancancer.jhmi.edu.
Anne E. Belcher has been named acting associate dean for professional programs and practice. She comes to Hopkins from Thomas Jefferson University College of Health Professions, Department of Nursing, in Philadelphia, where she was director of undergraduate programs. Jacquelyn Campbell, the Anna D. Wolf Professor, was named this year's recipient of the Honorary Simon Visiting Professorship at the University of Manchester in Great Britain. The six-week professorship enables scholars of distinction to make short visits to the university to contribute to its research and teaching. An expert in the area of domestic violence, Campbell will give seminars on violence and homicide in the family. Kay Cresci, an instructor, was inducted into the Sigma Phi Omega National Academic and Professional Society in Gerontology on April 7 at the College of Notre Dame of Maryland. Laura Talbot, an assistant professor, received a grant from the United States Department of Defense for a study that aims to enhance the readiness posture of Army National Guard personnel. The purpose of the study is to increase physical activity and physical fitness and reduce coronary heart disease risk factors through the integration of moderate- to high-intensity physical activity into Guard members' current military and civilian lifestyle.
The Office of News and Information has been selected as a Bronze Medal Award winner in the general news writing category in the 2002 CASE Circle of Excellence Awards Program. Only one silver and one other bronze were awarded in this year's national contest. Submitted pieces were written by Amy Cowles, Michael Purdy, Glenn Small and Phil Sneiderman.
Gert Cauwenberghs has been promoted to professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, effective July 1.