If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Lesley Giles in the Office of Faculty, Staff and Retiree Programs at [email protected] or 410-516-0373 by April 17.
Sports Clinic for East Baltimore Youth -- The Hopkins Sports Clinic, for East Baltimore youth ages 8 to 12, has been scheduled for April 20, April 27, May 4 and May 11, from 8:30 to 9 a.m. for registration, and from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for the clinic, at the School of Medicine, 1620 McElderry St. (next to the tennis court). Each day, the participants will attend two out of eight different stations consisting of activities such as basketball, tennis, football, soccer and arts and crafts. Participants will receive instruction in these sports as well as general etiquette in sportsmanship and teamwork. The activity is free and includes lunch. First-year students at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine are presenting the event and are also accepting contributions toward it. For information, contact Amir Ghaferi at 410-637-3607 or [email protected].
Collecting Items for the Gabrielle Project -- The JHU Women's Network is collecting hygiene items for the Gabrielle Project, which provides shelter and counseling to unwed mothers through various parishes throughout the state. Members of the Gabrielle Project will be at the Women's Network spring luncheon to collect all donations. Items needed include shampoo, deodorant, razors, shaving cream, powder, toothpaste, mouthwash, cotton swabs, soap and baby items. The requested items should be new and unopened. Drop-off locations follow: JHMI: Glaucoma Clinic, B-110 Maumenee (Emily Fleming, [email protected]); 5161 Outpatient Center (Janet Nevelus, [email protected]); 123 Marburg (Mary Buedel, [email protected]); and 1830 Building, fourth floor (Helene Weinstein, [email protected]). Homewood: 328 Gilman (Sharon Young, [email protected]); and Levering Hall (Ann Forno, [email protected]). Bayview: 3B.72 Asthma and Allergy Center (Maria Stockton-Porter, [email protected]); and Child Day Care at Bayview (Jennifer Nizer, [email protected]). Columbia Center: front reception desk, (Cheri Nicodemus, [email protected]). Greenspring: Eileen O'Brien, [email protected].
Spring Blood Drive -- Faculty, staff and students can make a lifesaving blood donation on Tuesday, April 16, or Wednesday, April 17, at the American Red Cross Blood Drive to be held at Homewood from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Levering Hall's Glass Pavilion. Appointments are recommended, but walk-ins are also welcome. To make an appointment, go to www.jhu.edu/~outreach/blooddrive. or contact the blood drive coordinator, Caterina Provost-Smith, at [email protected] or 410-516-0138. Groups who would like to give blood together are encouraged to contact Provost-Smith to make special arrangements. If you have never given blood or have not given recently, check the Web site for current eligibility guidelines or call the Red Cross at 800-GIVE-LIFE. The Web site also includes information and a video to familiarize prospective donors with the donation process.