Hodson Hall opens its
When the Hodson Trust donated funds to the university for
a new Homewood academic building, one of its stated goals
was to create a space that treated students as
professionals. Well, if Hodson Hall, which opened its
doors this month, is a peek into the real word, students
might get impatient waiting for graduation day.
While students and faculty alike
delighted in the new building's sleek and bright interior,
it was the splashy, multimedia-friendly classrooms that
had some literally spinning in their seats.
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JHU scientists create first biologic
Working with guinea pigs, Johns Hopkins scientists have
created what is believed to be the first biologic pacemaker
for the heart, paving the way for a genetically engineered
alternative to implanted electronic pacemakers. The
advance, reported in the Sept. 12 issue of
Nature, uses gene therapy to convert a small
fraction of guinea pigs' heart muscle cells into
specialized "pacing" cells.
"We now can envision a day when it will
be possible to recreate an individual's pacemaker cells or
develop hybrid pacemakers--part electronic and part
biologic," says Eduardo Marban, Michel Mirowski Professor
at Hopkins' Institute of Molecular Cardiology, adding that
clinical applications are still a few years away.
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New tack for MSE
Since 1967, the Milton S. Eisenhower Symposium has brought
to the Homewood campus each year experts whose
perspectives shed light on one national issue.
To increase the symposium's wattage for
its 35th year, the 2002 student co-chairs have invited
speakers from several different fields to illuminate the
new American identity.
Dennis Boothe and Meera Popat hope the
lineup for Changing Times: Who Are We? An Introspective
Look at American Identity in the 21st Century will broaden
the appeal of the already popular symposium.
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The Gazette
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