For the 13th consecutive year, The Johns Hopkins Hospital has topped U.S. News & World Report's rankings of American hospitals. This year's annual guide reports results of a survey of a hospital's reputation in 17 medical specialties among a national sample of doctors, along with analysis of objective indicators such as death rates, technology, nurse staffing, service mix and discharge planning. This year, Hopkins again ranked in the top 10 in 16 of the specialty categories listed. In addition to landing at the top of the honor roll, the hospital ranked No. 1 in ear, nose and throat, eye care, gynecology and urology; No. 2 in geriatrics, and rheumatology; No. 3 in cancer, digestive disorders, hormonal disorders, neurology and neurosurgery, pediatrics, psychiatry and respiratory disorders; No. 4 in orthopedics and kidney disease; No. 6 in heart and heart surgery; and No. 12 in rehabilitation. In a letter to all employees, Johns Hopkins Medicine Dean/CEO Edward D. Miller and Ronald R. Peterson, president of The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System, said that "neither your contributions nor the magazine's recognition of your commitment is taken for granted." "This year's top rank is a welcome and well-deserved tribute to our hospital, its wonderful nurses and staff, the School of Medicine's faculty physicians and the many community physicians with whom we have close ties," they said. Miller and Peterson also commented that "as members of the public become increasingly educated about their health care choices, independent evaluations such as these rankings are of genuine value to them, our community, referring physicians and insurers." From 6 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. on July 18, Miller, Peterson, and other executives and faculty handed out small gifts and thanks to all incoming shifts of employees. For a complete listing of all the rankings, go to http://www.usnews.com or http://hopkinsmedicine.org.