In Brief
Cardiology Training Program honored for diversity
The Johns Hopkins Cardiology Training Program has been
selected by the Association of Black Cardiologists to
receive the organization's Commitment to Diversity Award,
which is presented annually to a cardiology training
program that has demonstrated a commitment to increasing
the number of African-American cardiologists in the United
The award will be accepted on behalf of the division
by James Weiss, the Michael J. Cudahy Professor of
Cardiology and director of the Cardiology Fellowship and
Training Program, at the organization's 17th Annual
President's Awards Banquet, which will be held Saturday
night in New Orleans.
Nominations being sought for Women's Leadership
The JHU Women's Network is accepting nominations for
the fourth annual Women's Leadership Award, which will be
presented on May 14 at the organization's 17th Annual
Spring Luncheon.
Any Johns Hopkins employee may nominate a woman who
has provided leadership to others at the university. One
winner will be chosen from each of the Women's Network's
chapters at the Applied Physics Laboratory, Bayview,
Homewood and the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.
Criteria for selection are motivation of women in
their work and community; development of leadership skills
in others; mentoring of others in their work; increasing
employee knowledge of critical issues facing an office,
division or department of the university; and strengthening
the commitment of the faculty, staff and students to the
Nominations must be submitted by April 1 on the form
located at For
more information, contact Noelia Cantu at
[email protected].
School of Nursing to host open house for all
The School of
Nursing will host an open house on Saturday, March 6,
for students interested in undergraduate, master's,
postmaster's, doctoral and certificate nursing programs.
The program begins at 9:30 a.m. in the School of Nursing's
Anne M. Pinkard Building.
Academic program seminars will cover traditional
undergraduate, accelerated undergraduate, R.N. to B.S.
undergraduate, the B.S. to M.S.N., the Hopkins Business of
Nursing certificate program and graduate and doctoral
Representatives from the faculty, student body,
Admissions, Financial Aid, U.S. military, U.S. Peace Corps,
U.S. Public Health Service and ROTC will be available to
answer questions. Refreshments and tours of the school will
be offered.
For more information, or to reserve a place, contact
the Office of Admissions and Student Services at
410-955-7548 or
Charles Kimball to discuss 'When Religion Becomes
Renowned religious professor and Baptist minister
Charles Kimball will give a lecture at 7 p.m. today, March
1, in the
Bunting-Meyerhoff Interfaith and Community Service
Center. Chair of the Department of Religion at Wake
Forest University, Kimball will discuss "When Religion
Becomes Evil," also the title of his 2002 book, which was
named by Publishers Weekly as one of the top 15
books on religion for 2002.
Kimball is considered an expert analyst on issues
related to the Middle East, Islam, Jewish-Christian-Muslim
relations and the intersection of religion and politics in
the United States. Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks,
some 200 TV and radio stations and major newspapers
throughout the world have interviewed him. His articles
have appeared in The Los Angeles Times, The Christian
Science Monitor, The Boston Globe and other
publications, and he is the author of three other books.
Kimball's lecture is part of Open Hands Open Hearts, a
series of religious awareness events for students, faculty
and staff on the Homewood campus (see
Calendar listing, this issue).
The program is produced under the auspices of
Ministries and is the result of a collaborative effort
of the Interfaith Council, Campus Ministries and student
representatives from a variety of Johns Hopkins faith
organizations. For more information, contact Campus
Ministries at 410-261-1880.
Mattin ArtMunch invites would-be songwriters to
Paul Iwancio, founder and president of the Baltimore
Songwriters Association, will share ideas about the
creative process in songwriting, how to perform
constructive critiques and how to connect with the larger
songwriter community at this week's Mattin ARTMunch, to be
held from to noon to 1 p.m. on Thursday, March 4, in 160
Mattin, Homewood campus.
Co-sponsored by
Homewood Arts
Homewood Art Workshops and the
Digital Media
Center, ARTMunches provide a refreshing look at the
arts world in a comfortable, casual setting. Novice,
professional and just plain curious are welcome to enjoy
the presentations and discussions.
The events, held the first Thursday of the month, are
open to the entire JHU community. Bring your lunch; coffee,
tea and light refreshments will be provided. No
reservations required. For more information, go to or call 410-516-3817.
A story last week about the School of Nursing's 20th
anniversary identified Karen Haller as director of medical
nursing at JHH. Her primary title is vice president for
nursing and patient care services at The Johns Hopkins
Hospital. She is also associate dean for clinical affairs
at the School of Nursing.
Odyssey offers conversations with leading mystery
Throughout the world, mystery novels have achieved
popularity unparalleled by any other literary genre. This
spring, best-selling authors will talk about their work in
a lecture series called "Mystery Loves Company:
Conversations with Leading Mystery Writers," offered by
SPSBE's noncredit
Odyssey program for adults.
Among the authors are mother-son team Caroline and
Charles Todd, creators of the "Charles Todd" series; Donna
Andrews, author of You've Got Murder, an Agatha
Award-winning novel, and Elizabeth Peters, author of more
than 25 mysteries.
Experts in the field of crime fiction, including local
writers and journalists, will interview each writer, and
attendees may ask questions and have books signed.
The series takes place on Tuesday evenings from March
23 through May 11 and costs $148. Kathy Harig of Mystery
Loves Company Booksellers is coordinating the lectures. For
more information, including a list of all Odyssey classes,
call 410-516-4842 or go to
GO TO MARCH 1, 2004