Mon., April 5, noon. "The Frizzled Family of Wnt
Receptors," a Clinical Neuroscience seminar with Jeremy
Nathans; 1-191 Meyer. EB
Mon., April 5, 12:15 p.m. "Nuclear Import and
Export: The Rules and the Players," a Carnegie Institution
of Washington Embryology seminar with Susan Wente,
Vanderbilt University; Seminar Room, 115 W. University
Pkwy. HW
Mon., April 5, 12:30 p.m. "The Relationship Between
Airway Inflammation and Asthma," an Allergy and Clinical
Immunology seminar with Andrew Wardlaw, The Glenfield
Hospital, UK; 2B65 JHAAC. Bayview
Mon., April 5, 4 p.m. "Cilia/Flagellar, Microtubule
Motors and Sensory Transduction," a Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology seminar with William Snell, University of
Texas Southwestern Medical School; W2030 BSPH. EB
Mon., April 5, 4 p.m. "Diamonds from Heaven or
Hades? The Carbonato Conundrum," an Earth and Planetary
Sciences seminar with Peter Heaney, Pennsylvania State
University; Olin Hall Auditorium. HW
Mon., April 5, 4 p.m. The David Bodian Seminar in
Neuroscience — "Which Way Is the Aquarium? The
Neurobiology for a Sense of Direction" with Jeffrey Taube,
Dartmouth University. Sponsored by the Zanvyl Krieger
Mind/Brain Institute. 338 Krieger. HW
Mon., April 5, 5:15 p.m. "Philologie et Litterature:
Les Enjeux Poetiques et Esthetiques d'une Pratique Savante
(16e-17e Siecles)," a Romance Languages and Literatures
seminar with Emmanuel Bury, l'Universite de Litterature
Francaise/l'Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin en
Yvelines; 336 Gilman. HW
Tues., April 6, noon. "Making All the Right Moves:
Chemotaxis in Neutrophils and Dictyostelium," a Biological
Chemistry seminar with Carole Parent, NCI/ NIH; 612
Physiology. EB
Tues., April 6, noon. "Community-Based Participatory
Research," an Urban Health Institute seminar with Duane
Thomas, Kellogg Community Health Scholar; 291 Hampton
House. EB
Tues., April 6, 1 p.m. "Cortical Mantle 'Shape and
Thickness' Metrics to Quantify Differences Between Dementia
of the Alzheimer Type and Healthy Aging," a JHU Center for
Imaging Science seminar with Malini Hosakere; 314 Clark.
Tues., April 6, 3 p.m. "New South, New Nature:
Regional Industrialization and Environmental Change in the
Post-New Deal American South," a Geography and
Environmental Engineering seminar with William Boyd, U.S.
Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; 234 Ames.
Tues., April 6, 4 p.m. "Configurations of Points in
Projective Space," an Algebraic and Complex Geometry
seminar with Paul Hacking, University of Michigan; 308
Krieger. HW
Tues., April 6, 4 p.m. "The Great Baltimore Fire," a
Civil Engineering seminar with Charles Duff, Jubilee
Baltimore; 110 Maryland. HW
Tues., April 6, 4 p.m. "Of Children and Jinns:
Inquiries Into an Unexpected Friendship During Uncertain
Times in Lahore," an Anthropology seminar with Naveeda
Khan; 400 Macaulay. HW
Tues., April 6, 4:30 p.m. "Interactivity in Written
Language Processing: Evidence from Impairments," a Center
for Language and Speech Processing seminar with Michael
McCloskey; 303 Shaffer. HW
Wed., April 7, 8:15 a.m. "The Evolution of the AIDS
Activist Movement and Its Perspective on Trials," a JHMI
Center for Clinical Trials seminar with Kevin Frost,
American Foundation of AIDS Research; W1020 BSPH. EB
Wed., April 7, 12:15 p.m. "Lessons Learned in
Perinatal and Neonatal Programs," a Center for
Communication Programs seminar with Indira Narayanan,
BASICS Team Leader; International Room, 111 Market Place.
Wed., April 7, 2:30 p.m. "What's a Gene, What's a
Transcript and How Do We Annotate Them?" a Biostatistics
seminar with Carlo Colantuoni. Co-sponsored by the JHMI
Microarray Core Facility and Hopkins Expressionists; W1020
Wed., April 7, 3:30 p.m. "Nanometer-Scale
Compositionally Modulated Structures in Ultrathin Alloy
Films," a Materials Science and Engineering seminar with
Mark Asta, Northwestern University; 110 Maryland. HW
Wed., April 7, 4 p.m. "Counting Number Fields of
Bounded Discriminant," a Number Theory seminar with Jordan
Ellenberg, Princeton University; 302 Krieger. HW
Wed., April 7, 4 p.m. "Regulation of Mitochondrial
Function and Neuronal Cell Death by BCL-XL," a Pharmacology
and Molecular Sciences thesis defense seminar with Ying-Bei
Chen; 303 WBSB. EB
Wed., April 7, 5 p.m. "Emil Fischer, Viruses and
Bacteria: A Recipe for Disaster," a Biology seminar with
Ernesto Freire; 26 Mudd. HW
Thurs., April 8, 11 a.m. "The Art in Making
Medicines and Vaccines," a Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering seminar with Ann Lee, Merck & Co.; 110
Maryland. HW
Thurs., April 8, noon. "Molecular Mechanisms of
Neuronal Growth Cone Guidance," a Cell Biology seminar with
Alex Kolodkin; Suite 2-200, 1830 Bldg. EB
Thurs., April 8, noon. "Absence of SV40 in Human
Mesotheliomas: False-Positive SV40 PCR Results Due to SV40
Sequences in Common Laboratory Plasmids as a Possible
Explanation for Discordant Published Data," a Molecular
Microbiology and Immunology seminar with Marc Ladanyi,
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; W2030 BSPH. EB
Thurs., April 8, 12:15 p.m. "Contraceptive Security:
What Is It and What Is HCP's Experience?" a Center for
Communication Programs seminar with Jennifer Bowman and
Juan Carlos Negrette; International Room, 111 Market Place.
Thurs., April 8, 1 p.m. "Structural Mechanisms in
Lipid Signaling and Trafficking," a Neuroscience research
seminar with James Hurley, National Institute of Diabetes
and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. West Lecture Hall
(ground floor), WBSB. EB
Thurs., April 8, 1:30 p.m. "Spastin, the Major Gene
Underlying Autosomal Dominant-Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia
(AD-HSP), Is Necessary for Normal Motor Function in
Drosophila melanogaster," a Molecular Biology and Genetics
seminar with Nina Sherwood, California Institute of
Technology; 517 PCTB. EB
Thurs., April 8, 3 p.m. "CAD&A in Musculoskeletal
Mechanics — A Renaissance for Biomechanics," a
Mechanical Engineering seminar with Edmund Y.S. Chao; 210
Hodson. HW
Thurs., April 8, 4 p.m. "Theory and Algorithms for
Finding Thresholds of Percolation," an Applied Mathematics
and Statistics seminar with Robert Ziff, University of
Michigan; 304 Whitehead. HW
Thurs., April 8, 4 p.m. "Some Research Problems with
Applications," a Biostatistics seminar with Ciprian
Crainiceanu; W2008 BSPH. EB
Thurs., April 8, 4 p.m. "Little Things That Do a
Lot: Stimulation of DNA Double Strand Break Repair by an
Inositol Phosphate," a Biology seminar with Les Hanakahi;
100 Mudd. HW
Thurs., April 8, 4 p.m. "Cortical Mapping for
Geometry Normalization and Analysis," an Electrical and
Computer Engineering seminar with Duygu Tosun; 117 Barton.
Fri., April 9, 3:30 p.m. "Surface Tension Impelled
Low-Gravity Liquid Mixing," a Mechanical Engineering
seminar with Yo-Rhin Rhim; 107 Latrobe. HW
Mon., April 12, noon. "Cortical Mechanisms of
Attentional Control," a Clinical Neuroscience seminar with
Steven Yantis; 1-191 Meyer. EB
Mon., April 12, 12:15 p.m. "Physical and Sexual
Abuse and Patterns of Marriage and Cohabitation: Evidence
from a Multi-Method Study," a Population and Family Health
Sciences/ Hopkins Population Center seminar with Andrew
Cherlin; W2030 BSPH. EB
Mon., April 12, 1 p.m. "Re-searching Biofields and
Subtle Energy Medicine: An Examination of the Evidence," a
Complementary and Alternative Medicine seminar with Marilyn
Schlitz; Weinberg Building Auditorium. EB
Mon., April 12, 4 p.m. "A Geometric
Littlewood-Richardson Rule," an Algebraic and Complex
Geometry seminar with Ravil Vakil, Stanford University; 308
Krieger. HW
Mon., April 12, 4 p.m. The David Bodian Seminar in
Neuroscience — "Functional Organization of SI in the
Primate: Optical Imaging's Point of View" with Anna Wang
Roe, Vanderbilt University. Sponsored by Zanvyl Krieger
Mind/Brain Institute. 338 Krieger. HW
Mon., April 12, 4 p.m. "Observed Patterns in Late
Burial History: Hydrothermal Alteration and Late Burial
Corrosion of Sediments," an Earth and Planetary Sciences
seminar with Conxita Taberner, Institut de Ciencies de la
Terra, Barcelona; Olin Hall Auditorium. HW
Mon., April 12, 4 p.m. "Balancing Energy and Entropy
on the Folding Landscape: What We Learn From Theory and
Experiments," a Biophysics seminar with Cecilia Clementi,
Rice University; 111 Mergenthaler. HW