Johns Hopkins Gazette | April 5, 2004
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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University April 5, 2004 | Vol. 33 No. 29

Weekly Calendar

Colloquia | Conference | Discussion/Talks | Film/Video | Lectures | Music | Seminars | Special Events | Sports | Symposia | Theater | Workshops



Wed., April 7, 3 p.m. "A Long-Lived Birthing Amulet (Okytokion)," a History of Science, Medicine and Technology colloquium with Ann Ellis Hanson, Yale University; 3rd floor, Welch Medical Library. EB

Wed., April 7, 4 p.m. "The Interaction of Memory Systems in the Mind and Brain," a Psychological and Brain Sciences colloquium with Dan Willingham, University of Virginia; 234 Ames. HW

Wed., April 7, 4:15 p.m. "Advanced Concepts in Hydrogen Storage," a Chemistry colloquium with Tom Autrey, Pacific Northwest National Labs; 233 Remsen. HW

Fri., April 9, 4:30 p.m. "Who Is Speaking in the Bach Passions?" a Peabody Musicology colloquium with John Butt, University of Cambridge; 306 Conservatory. Peabody

Sat., April 10, 4:30 p.m. "Proportion vs. Performance in Du Fay's Nuper Rosarum Flores: 'The Judgment of Sense' in Italian Renaissance Music," a Peabody Musicology colloquium with Alexander Blachly, University of Notre Dame and Pomerum Musices; 306 Conservatory. Peabody



Fri., April 9, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. "Eating for the Future: Can Public Health Rise to the Challenge?" a Center for a Livable Future conference with Robert Lawrence, Edyth Schoenrich, Sidney Mintz, Benjamin Caballero and Wayne Roberts of the Toronto Food Policy Council. Pre-registration required; to register and for more information, [email protected] or 410-502-7578. W1030 BSPH. EB

Sat., April 10, 9 a.m. "Working Within the System: Health Politics in Maryland and Beyond," third annual Programa Salud student leadership conference, with various speakers. (See story, "Student group addresses Hispanic, Latino health care needs," this issue.) Register anytime before 10 a.m. or register online at Mattin Center. HW



Wed., April 7, 4:30 to 6 p.m. Sophomore class prehealth information meeting with Mary Catherine Savage, John Bader and Adrienne Alberts. Sponsored by Preprofessional Advising. 111 Mergenthaler. HW

Thurs., April 8, noon. "The Diet Dilemma," a lunch-and-learn discussion with Sue James. Co-sponsored by Benefits Administration and Occupational Health Services. 349 Phipps. EB



Johns Hopkins Classical Club Film Festival, sponsored by Classics. 410-516-7556. HW

Mon., April 5, 8 p.m. Edipo Re, directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini; 216 Hodson.

Thurs., April 8, 8 p.m. O, Brother Where Art Thou?, directed by Joel and Ethan Coen; 213 Hodson.

Fri., April 9, 7 p.m. "Bee-Have," a Women, Gender and Sexuality film series, presents The Exorcist, (1973) directed by William Friedkin; followed by discussion. 110 Gilman. HW

Fri., April 9, 7:15 p.m. Bob Roberts (1992), directed by Tim Robbins; part of the JHMI Office of Cultural Affairs Film Series "Politics as Usual." Mountcastle Auditorium, PCTB. EB

Mon., April 12, 4:30 p.m. "In and Out of Africa," part of the Anthropology Undergraduate Film Series; 400 Macaulay. HW



Mon., April 5, 6:30 p.m. "Ethics in the Practice of Medicine," a Preprofessional Advising lecture by Peter Terry; for premeds and those interested in prehealth careers; 111 Mergenthaler. HW

Tues., April 6, noon. The Annual Shallenberger Lecture in Ethics — "Why Are We Doing This? Moral Distress: How It Affects Health Care Professionals, Patients and Families" by Michael Williams and Cynda Rushton. Sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Hospital Ethics Committee and Consultation Service. Hurd Hall. EB

Tues., April 6, 6 p.m. "Low Vision Research: What Is It and What Is Promised?" a Wilmer Macular Degeneration Center lecture and support group meeting by Robert Massoff; 125 Pavilion II, Green Spring Station.

Tues., April 6, 6:30 p.m. "Islamic Cairo: Its Golden Past," an illustrated lecture by Caroline Williams. Co-sponsored by the SAIS African Studies Program and the American Research Center in Egypt, Washington D.C. Chapter. The Egyptian Embassy, 3521 International Court N.W., Washington D.C.

Wed., April 7, 1 p.m. "Jean Dubuffet's Orator at the Wall," a JHU/BMA Art History Fellowship lecture by Molly Warnock; Baltimore Museum of Art, 10 Art Museum Drive. HW

Wed., April 7, 4 p.m. The Mary Elizabeth Garrett Lecture — "Origins of HIV/AIDS: Family Tree of a Killer" by Beatrice Hahn, University of Alabama, Birmingham. Sponsored by SOM. WBSB Auditorium. EB

Wed., April 7, 5 p.m. The Paula U. Hamburger Endowed Friends Lecture — "Reading Lolita in Teheran" by Azar Nafisi. Sponsored by the Friends of the Johns Hopkins University Libraries. Evergreen Carriage House, 4545 N. Charles St.

Sat., April 10, 5:30 p.m. The William Foxwell Albright Lecture — "Resurrection and Immortality in Early Judaism" by Jon Levenson, Harvard University; 26 Mudd. HW

Mon., April 12, 4:30 p.m. The 2004 Thalheimer Lectures — "Hegel on Self-Realization and Sociality" by Robert Pippin, University of Chicago. Sponsored by Philosophy. First of three lectures in the series Self and World, Inner as Outer. Three Variations: Hegel, Heidegger and Proust (next two lectures on April 13 and 14). Arellano Theater, Levering. HW



Wed., April 7, noon. JHMI Office of Cultural Affairs presents First Wednesday Jazz with the Brian Kooken Trio; Hurd Hall. EB



Mon., April 5, noon. "The Frizzled Family of Wnt Receptors," a Clinical Neuroscience seminar with Jeremy Nathans; 1-191 Meyer. EB

Mon., April 5, 12:15 p.m. "Nuclear Import and Export: The Rules and the Players," a Carnegie Institution of Washington Embryology seminar with Susan Wente, Vanderbilt University; Seminar Room, 115 W. University Pkwy. HW

Mon., April 5, 12:30 p.m. "The Relationship Between Airway Inflammation and Asthma," an Allergy and Clinical Immunology seminar with Andrew Wardlaw, The Glenfield Hospital, UK; 2B65 JHAAC. Bayview

Mon., April 5, 4 p.m. "Cilia/Flagellar, Microtubule Motors and Sensory Transduction," a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology seminar with William Snell, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School; W2030 BSPH. EB

Mon., April 5, 4 p.m. "Diamonds from Heaven or Hades? The Carbonato Conundrum," an Earth and Planetary Sciences seminar with Peter Heaney, Pennsylvania State University; Olin Hall Auditorium. HW

Mon., April 5, 4 p.m. The David Bodian Seminar in Neuroscience — "Which Way Is the Aquarium? The Neurobiology for a Sense of Direction" with Jeffrey Taube, Dartmouth University. Sponsored by the Zanvyl Krieger Mind/Brain Institute. 338 Krieger. HW

Mon., April 5, 5:15 p.m. "Philologie et Litterature: Les Enjeux Poetiques et Esthetiques d'une Pratique Savante (16e-17e Siecles)," a Romance Languages and Literatures seminar with Emmanuel Bury, l'Universite de Litterature Francaise/l'Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines; 336 Gilman. HW

Tues., April 6, noon. "Making All the Right Moves: Chemotaxis in Neutrophils and Dictyostelium," a Biological Chemistry seminar with Carole Parent, NCI/ NIH; 612 Physiology. EB

Tues., April 6, noon. "Community-Based Participatory Research," an Urban Health Institute seminar with Duane Thomas, Kellogg Community Health Scholar; 291 Hampton House. EB

Tues., April 6, 1 p.m. "Cortical Mantle 'Shape and Thickness' Metrics to Quantify Differences Between Dementia of the Alzheimer Type and Healthy Aging," a JHU Center for Imaging Science seminar with Malini Hosakere; 314 Clark. HW

Tues., April 6, 3 p.m. "New South, New Nature: Regional Industrialization and Environmental Change in the Post-New Deal American South," a Geography and Environmental Engineering seminar with William Boyd, U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; 234 Ames. HW

Tues., April 6, 4 p.m. "Configurations of Points in Projective Space," an Algebraic and Complex Geometry seminar with Paul Hacking, University of Michigan; 308 Krieger. HW

Tues., April 6, 4 p.m. "The Great Baltimore Fire," a Civil Engineering seminar with Charles Duff, Jubilee Baltimore; 110 Maryland. HW

Tues., April 6, 4 p.m. "Of Children and Jinns: Inquiries Into an Unexpected Friendship During Uncertain Times in Lahore," an Anthropology seminar with Naveeda Khan; 400 Macaulay. HW

Tues., April 6, 4:30 p.m. "Interactivity in Written Language Processing: Evidence from Impairments," a Center for Language and Speech Processing seminar with Michael McCloskey; 303 Shaffer. HW

Wed., April 7, 8:15 a.m. "The Evolution of the AIDS Activist Movement and Its Perspective on Trials," a JHMI Center for Clinical Trials seminar with Kevin Frost, American Foundation of AIDS Research; W1020 BSPH. EB

Wed., April 7, 12:15 p.m. "Lessons Learned in Perinatal and Neonatal Programs," a Center for Communication Programs seminar with Indira Narayanan, BASICS Team Leader; International Room, 111 Market Place. EB

Wed., April 7, 2:30 p.m. "What's a Gene, What's a Transcript and How Do We Annotate Them?" a Biostatistics seminar with Carlo Colantuoni. Co-sponsored by the JHMI Microarray Core Facility and Hopkins Expressionists; W1020 BSPH. EB

Wed., April 7, 3:30 p.m. "Nanometer-Scale Compositionally Modulated Structures in Ultrathin Alloy Films," a Materials Science and Engineering seminar with Mark Asta, Northwestern University; 110 Maryland. HW

Wed., April 7, 4 p.m. "Counting Number Fields of Bounded Discriminant," a Number Theory seminar with Jordan Ellenberg, Princeton University; 302 Krieger. HW

Wed., April 7, 4 p.m. "Regulation of Mitochondrial Function and Neuronal Cell Death by BCL-XL," a Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences thesis defense seminar with Ying-Bei Chen; 303 WBSB. EB

Wed., April 7, 5 p.m. "Emil Fischer, Viruses and Bacteria: A Recipe for Disaster," a Biology seminar with Ernesto Freire; 26 Mudd. HW

Thurs., April 8, 11 a.m. "The Art in Making Medicines and Vaccines," a Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering seminar with Ann Lee, Merck & Co.; 110 Maryland. HW

Thurs., April 8, noon. "Molecular Mechanisms of Neuronal Growth Cone Guidance," a Cell Biology seminar with Alex Kolodkin; Suite 2-200, 1830 Bldg. EB

Thurs., April 8, noon. "Absence of SV40 in Human Mesotheliomas: False-Positive SV40 PCR Results Due to SV40 Sequences in Common Laboratory Plasmids as a Possible Explanation for Discordant Published Data," a Molecular Microbiology and Immunology seminar with Marc Ladanyi, Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; W2030 BSPH. EB

Thurs., April 8, 12:15 p.m. "Contraceptive Security: What Is It and What Is HCP's Experience?" a Center for Communication Programs seminar with Jennifer Bowman and Juan Carlos Negrette; International Room, 111 Market Place. EB

Thurs., April 8, 1 p.m. "Structural Mechanisms in Lipid Signaling and Trafficking," a Neuroscience research seminar with James Hurley, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. West Lecture Hall (ground floor), WBSB. EB

Thurs., April 8, 1:30 p.m. "Spastin, the Major Gene Underlying Autosomal Dominant-Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (AD-HSP), Is Necessary for Normal Motor Function in Drosophila melanogaster," a Molecular Biology and Genetics seminar with Nina Sherwood, California Institute of Technology; 517 PCTB. EB

Thurs., April 8, 3 p.m. "CAD&A in Musculoskeletal Mechanics — A Renaissance for Biomechanics," a Mechanical Engineering seminar with Edmund Y.S. Chao; 210 Hodson. HW

Thurs., April 8, 4 p.m. "Theory and Algorithms for Finding Thresholds of Percolation," an Applied Mathematics and Statistics seminar with Robert Ziff, University of Michigan; 304 Whitehead. HW

Thurs., April 8, 4 p.m. "Some Research Problems with Applications," a Biostatistics seminar with Ciprian Crainiceanu; W2008 BSPH. EB

Thurs., April 8, 4 p.m. "Little Things That Do a Lot: Stimulation of DNA Double Strand Break Repair by an Inositol Phosphate," a Biology seminar with Les Hanakahi; 100 Mudd. HW

Thurs., April 8, 4 p.m. "Cortical Mapping for Geometry Normalization and Analysis," an Electrical and Computer Engineering seminar with Duygu Tosun; 117 Barton. HW

Fri., April 9, 3:30 p.m. "Surface Tension Impelled Low-Gravity Liquid Mixing," a Mechanical Engineering seminar with Yo-Rhin Rhim; 107 Latrobe. HW

Mon., April 12, noon. "Cortical Mechanisms of Attentional Control," a Clinical Neuroscience seminar with Steven Yantis; 1-191 Meyer. EB

Mon., April 12, 12:15 p.m. "Physical and Sexual Abuse and Patterns of Marriage and Cohabitation: Evidence from a Multi-Method Study," a Population and Family Health Sciences/ Hopkins Population Center seminar with Andrew Cherlin; W2030 BSPH. EB

Mon., April 12, 1 p.m. "Re-searching Biofields and Subtle Energy Medicine: An Examination of the Evidence," a Complementary and Alternative Medicine seminar with Marilyn Schlitz; Weinberg Building Auditorium. EB

Mon., April 12, 4 p.m. "A Geometric Littlewood-Richardson Rule," an Algebraic and Complex Geometry seminar with Ravil Vakil, Stanford University; 308 Krieger. HW

Mon., April 12, 4 p.m. The David Bodian Seminar in Neuroscience — "Functional Organization of SI in the Primate: Optical Imaging's Point of View" with Anna Wang Roe, Vanderbilt University. Sponsored by Zanvyl Krieger Mind/Brain Institute. 338 Krieger. HW

Mon., April 12, 4 p.m. "Observed Patterns in Late Burial History: Hydrothermal Alteration and Late Burial Corrosion of Sediments," an Earth and Planetary Sciences seminar with Conxita Taberner, Institut de Ciencies de la Terra, Barcelona; Olin Hall Auditorium. HW

Mon., April 12, 4 p.m. "Balancing Energy and Entropy on the Folding Landscape: What We Learn From Theory and Experiments," a Biophysics seminar with Cecilia Clementi, Rice University; 111 Mergenthaler. HW


Special Events

Tues., April 6, noon to 8 p.m., and Wed., April 7, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. JHU Press Annual Book Sale, books of all sizes, shapes and kinds, $2 per pound. Glass Pavilion, Levering. HW

Wed., April 7, noon. Wednesday Noon Series presents violinist Igor Yuzefovich, the 2003- 2004 Yale Gordon Concerto Competition winner from the Peabody Institute who will perform works by Franck and Prokofiev. Sponsored by Special Events. Shriver Hall. HW

DSAGA Awareness Days 2004, a monthlong series of events featuring activists, writers and entertainers. HW

Wed., April 7, 7 p.m. Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, discussing civil rights; AMR1 Multipurpose Room.

Thurs., April 8, 8 p.m. Dave Singleton, local comic and author of 25 Real Rules of Successful Gay Dating; McCoy Multipurpose Room.

Fri., April 9, Sat., April 10 and Sun., April 11, 8 p.m. Descent Into Acceptance, a play about the difficulties of coming out in the Midwest by Peabody student Matthew Viator; Arellano Theater, Levering.

Mon., April 12, 8 p.m. A talk by feminist activist and author Inga Muscio; Great Hall, Levering.

Wed., April 7, noon to 4 p.m. Pathology Young Investigators' Day, including poster sessions and talks by awardees; Turner Concourse. Guest speaker Christophe Benoist will give a talk titled "Tolerance and Autoimmunity" at noon in the Tilghman Room. EB

Thurs., April 8, 4 p.m. School of Medicine Young Investigators' Day, including a poster session and talks by awardees. (See article, "SOM honors young researchers," this issue.) Mountcastle Auditorium, PCTB. EB

Thurs., April 8, to Sun., April 11. JHU Film Festival 2004, promoting the work of independent and student filmmakers, including documentaries, features, animation and short films. (For times and locations see story "Four-day Johns Hopkins Film Festival opens on Thursday," this issue.) $15 for festival pass; $5 for day pass and $3 for each show. 410-235-8719. HW

Sat., April 10, 10 a.m. to noon. JHU International Society's annual Easter Egg Hunt, featuring the Easter Bunny, big egg hunt, games, fun and guests from the Kennedy Krieger Institute. For information, call 410-955-3370 or go to [email protected]. Decker Garden. HW

Sun., April 11, 4 p.m. Special Events Guest Artist Series presents the J Street Jumpers, performing classic swing and jump blues music. Co-sponsored by the Hopkins Center for Social Concern. Tickets are $15. Glass Pavilion, Levering. HW



Wed., April 7, 3:30 p.m. Men's Tennis, vs. Gettysburg; Athletic Center. HW

Thurs., April 8, 3:30 p.m. Baseball, vs. Mary Washington; Athletic Center. HW

Fri., April 9, 3:30 p.m. Baseball, vs. Washington College; Athletic Center. HW

Sat., April 10, 1 p.m. Baseball, vs. Franklin and Marshall; Athletic Center. HW

Sat., April 10, 1 p.m. Women's Lacrosse, vs. Maryland; Homewood Field. HW



Wed., April 7, 7:30 p.m. "The Art and Politics of Filming a New National Symbol: The World War II Memorial on the Mall," a Government and Communication in Contemporary Society symposium with Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Robert Uth; LL7, Bernstein Offit Bldg., 1717 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington D.C.

Thurs., April 8, 7 p.m. "The New Techne," a symposium exploring multidisciplinary collaboration in the arts and sciences with Scott Fisher, University of Southern California. Sponsored by the Digital Media Center. Brown Center, Maryland Institute College of Art. Off campus

Mon., April 12, 2:30 p.m. "Downsizing America: The Obesity Epidemic," a Behavior and Health symposium with Kelly Brownell, Yale University; Robert Jeffery, University of Minnesota School of Public Health; Adam Drewnowski, University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine; and Shiriki Kumanyika, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Part of the Behavior at the Crossroads of Public Health symposium series, sponsored by the School of Public Health. W1020 BSPH. EB



Fri., April 9, and Sat., April 10, 8 p.m.; Sun., April 11, 2 p.m. The Barnstormers present the musical A Chorus Line; Swirnow Theater, Mattin Center. HW



Fri., April 9, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. "The Question of Public-Private," a Women, Gender and Sexuality one-day workshop with Michael Warner, Rutgers University; Lawrence Cohen, University of California, Berkeley; Ruby Lal and Ali Khan. 410-516-6166. Sherwood Room, Levering. HW

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The Gazette | The Johns Hopkins University | Suite 540 | 901 S. Bond St. | Baltimore, MD 21231 | 443-287-9900 | [email protected]