Johns Hopkins Gazette | November 8, 2004
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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University November 8, 2004 | Vol. 34 No. 11



Annual Baltimore Writers Conference

The 11th annual Baltimore Writers Conference, co-sponsored by the Writing Program in the Krieger School, is offering on Saturday, Nov. 13, an entire day of sessions on writing craft, readings, workshops, the writing business, contemporary issues and trends in fiction, poetry, nonfiction, screenwriting and other forms.

Writing Program alumni are encouraged to attend. Featured speakers are poet Dana Gioia, chair of the National Endowment for the Arts, and novelist and Pulitzer Prize-winning critic Stephen Hunter. Hopkins students can attend the conference for the discounted fee of $30.

To register and for more information, go to The conference will take place in the University Union at Towson University. The conference will begin at 8 a.m. (breakfast and registration), and sessions will continue from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


WebCT Office Hours

Office hours with Pamela Stefanuca, WebCT trainer in the Center for Educational Resources, are scheduled from 2 to 3 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 11, in the CER Conference Room, Eisenhower Library, Homewood campus.

All instructors/designers in WebCT are invited to stop by. Register at www.cer.jhu .edu. For virtual attendance, go to and click on Hopkins eLive Classroom under Application Links.


Pilot Project Grants

The Johns Hopkins NIEHS Center in Urban Environmental Health is offering pilot project grants of up to $20,000 for April 1, 2005, through March 31, 2006, to stimulate new lines of research on such topics as the adverse health impact of hazardous environmental exposures on populations; how the interaction of socioeconomic status and environmental exposure contributes to health disparities; early biological effects of environmental agents in urban populations; community outreach and environmental health education; and the molecular epidemiology, exposure assessment and mechanisms of action of agents found in the urban environment.

Deadline for submission is Jan. 14, 2005. Full details and application materials can be found on the center's Web site at PilotProject.html or by contacting Kay Castleberry, 410-955-3720, [email protected].


Research Coordinator Training Program

This weekly course provides a comprehensive overview of the core competencies needed to administer and direct human subjects research projects. Among the topics to be discussed are IRB, recruiting, data management, informed consent and study administration. The next session will be held from 8:30 to 10 a.m. on Tuesdays, Nov. 30 to Feb. 15, at the School of Nursing.

For more information, call 443-287-4745, e-mail [email protected] or go to:


Funding for Prostate Cancer Research

Funding is available to support multidisciplinary research in prostate cancer through the Patrick C. Walsh Prostate Cancer Research Fund and the Johns Hopkins SPORE program.

Awards of $50,000 to $100,000 for up to two years are available to fund career development and developmental research programs (pilot projects). The deadline for applications is Friday, Jan. 7. For more information, go to


The Global Health Promotion Research Program

The Global Health Promotion Research Program consists of a summer internship for up to three months, from June to August, in one of several countries and fields of research. One undergraduate student from the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences will be chosen to participate.

This year the four locations are Australia, with the field of research The Biology of Stress; South Africa, Durban, with HIV/AIDS and Adolescent Health; South Africa, Capetown, with Violence Against Women/Women's Health; and South Korea, with Cardiovascular Health Promotion.

Application and recommendation forms are available in 237 Mergenthaler Hall and online at

An application and two recommendation forms must be in the office of the dean for research and graduate education, 237 Mergenthaler on the Homewood campus, no later than 4 p.m., Nov. 29. Recommendation forms must be received in a sealed envelope by that date. It is the applicant's responsibility to make sure the recommendations have been sent. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted; there are no exceptions.

Applicants will be evaluated based on previous research courses and experience, interest in research career, commitment to addressing health disparities, description of competencies, level of maturity and cultural adaptability. All applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Following the application selection process, there will be student interviews conducted by participating Johns Hopkins School of Nursing faculty. Students will be notified of their selection prior to the winter break.

Interested individuals with questions about the application process should contact Ami Cox at [email protected]. For specific questions about the logistics of the program, contact Andrea Telford at [email protected].


The Gazette | The Johns Hopkins University | Suite 540 | 901 S. Bond St. | Baltimore, MD 21231 | 443-287-9900 | [email protected]