For the Record: Milestones
The following staff members recently retired or celebrated
an anniversary with the university in April of 2004. The
information is compiled by the
Office of
Faculty, Staff and Retiree Programs, 410-516-6060.
Academic and Cultural Centers
15 years of service
Mears, Jonathan C., MSE Library
10 years of service
Hughes, Richard S., JHPIEGO Corp.
5 years of service
Beyers, John F., II, Center for Talented Youth
Bolgiano, John H., MSE Library
Moller, Eric J., JHPIEGO Corp.
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Stiekman, Barbara S., 20 years, Epidemiology
30 years of service
Mays, Joy Schleicher, Molecular Microbiology and
15 years of service
Anderson-Smith, Valerie J., Center for Communication
10 years of service
Harle, Judith, Epidemiology
Redmond, Jacque E., International Health
5 years of service
Evans, David, Custodial Services
Jamison, Derrick, Center for Communication
Munoz, Mary Killen, Distance Education Program
Romine, Melissa, International Health
Smith, Shawnise, Master of Public Health Program
Health Divisions Administration
20 years of service
Williams, Darnell A., University Health Service
15 years of service
Hatfield, John A., III, Laboratory Animal Medicine
McKnight, Charles, Residence Operations
10 years of service
Beyer, Anita F., Continuing Education
Ciufo, Marilyn Kay, Technology Licensing
Hall, Niambi K., Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine
Krieger School of Arts and Sciences
20 years of service
Cook, John C., Development Office
Murray, Starlene H., Biophysics
15 years of service
Borowicz, Louis M., Jr., Mind/Brain Institute
Weeks, Cynthia J., Earth and Planetary Sciences
5 years of service
Suzuki, Noriko, Biology
Nitze School of Advanced International
5 years of service
Riedel, Karen, Public Affairs and Publications
Peabody Institute
10 years of service
Morris, Charleen, Student Academic Affairs
5 years of service
Ober, Patrick, Plant Administration
School of Medicine
Green, Connie Delores, 14 years, Custodial
Leffler, Melissa A., 10 years, Surgery
Locklear, Barbara, 16 years, General Medicine
35 years of service
Webster, Audrey, Dean's Office
30 years of service
Horan, Mary Ann, Pediatrics
Jones, Denise Thomas, Clinical Immunology
25 years of service
Rayner, Sharon Lee, Physicians Billing Services
Steinberg, Dawn Ann, Urology
Thomas, Elaine Ruth, Infectious Diseases
Thorne, Jennette, Oncology Administration
20 years of service
Borleis, Jane Sherring, Cell Biology
Drummond, Donna M., Physical Medicine and
Eliou, Irene, Anesthesiology and Critical Care
Myers, Loretha A., Institute of Genetic Medicine
15 years of service
Gonzales, Victoria B., Pathology
Kibler, Kathleen K., Anesthesiology and Critical Care
Moss, Christine A., Molecular Biology and Genetics
Sheard, Jacqueline M., Radiology
Summerville, Vickie Ann, Physicians Billing
Wright, Denise A., Infectious Diseases
10 years of service
Harker, Carol Ann, Biological Chemistry
Kohlhafer, John W., Purchasing Office
O'Day, Diane E., Gynecology Obstetrics
Weyant, Nicole Anne, Gynecology/Obstetrics Billing
5 years of service
Barnett, George David, Ophthalmology
Cooper, Beverly, Radiology Billing Office
Fodel, Deborah M., Dermatology
Hansell-Keehan, Kara, Cardiovascular
Jones, Charity, Ophthalmology Billing Office
Linthicum, Paul, Medicine Billing Office
Mack, Shalae, Otolaryngology Billing Office
Martin, Jennifer K., Academic Affairs
McDaniel, Jason, Informatics Center
Murrill-Roberts, Karen, Ophthalmology
Previll, Patricia, Ophthalmology
Rife, Sharon, General Medicine
Sparzak, Julie R., Genetic Core
Tas, Kidesa S., Oncology
Touchstone, Christine, Research Administration
Wiener, Chasity L., Rheumatology
School of Professional Studies in Business and
10 years of service
Blumberg, Andrew S., Academic Affairs
McIntyre, Kevin M., Finance and Administration
5 years of service
Hobbs, Joanne M., Public Safety Leadership
University Administration
20 years of service
Stokes, Emma Jean, Organization Development and
15 years of service
Cofield, Stacy, Government, Community and Public
Dean, Gordon, H.R.I.S.
Lemmon, Doris K., Telecommunications
5 years of service
Openshaw, Kevin, Plant Operations and Maintenance
Powers, Nancy W., Evergreen House
Queen, Tilisha A., Johns Hopkins Federal Credit
Saeed, Syed M., Development and Alumni Relations
Sunderland, Dana, Central Purchasing
Whiting School of Engineering
10 years of service
Sullivan, Barbara A., Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department
5 years of service
Sisson, Kristine, Computer Science
GO TO MAY 17, 2004