Johns Hopkins Gazette | May 17, 2004
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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University May 17, 2004 | Vol. 33 No. 35



ESOL Volunteers

The Johns Hopkins International Society is in need of English as a second language tutors, as well as individuals who can assist the JHIS coordinator with planning and implementing events and activities for the Hopkins international community. For more information or to apply, contact Erin McAlister at 410-955-3370 or at [email protected].


Homewood Campus Lunchtime Classes

Yoga and muscle conditioning classes are beginning next month on the Homewood campus for faculty and staff. Yoga will be taught from noon to 1 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, June 7 to Aug. 11, in the Mattin Center, Offit Building Dance Studio. Cost is $30/one class a week and $50/two classes per week. Muscle conditioning and toning sessions are scheduled from 12:15 to 1 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday afternoons beginning June 3. Cost for the 10-week session is $25 for one class per week and $45 for classes twice a week.

Weight Watchers at Work will begin a 14-week session on June 1 on the Homewood campus. The classes meet at noon and cost $148. Classes also meet at noon on Fridays at the East Baltimore campus.

Seated massage will continue to be offered on the Homewood, East Baltimore and Eastern campuses. A 15-minute seated massage by a certified massage therapist costs $10.

To register for any of the classes or a massage, call Occupational Health Services at 410-516-0450 or e-mail [email protected]. The classes are co-sponsored by the offices of Benefits Administration and Occupational Health Services.


Johns Hopkins Six Flags Day Tickets

Saturday, June 12, will be the first Johns Hopkins Day at Six Flags America. Discounted admission tickets to the amusement park, which include all rides, are available to employees and retirees of the Johns Hopkins Institutions and students of the university, as well as their families and guests. For information on purchasing tickets, food vouchers and parking coupons by mail, go to

To purchase tickets in person, contact the appropriate representative, as follows. School of Medicine employees: Sandra Kreis, Human Resources, 98 North Broadway, Suite 300, [email protected] or 410-614-7309; Johns Hopkins Health System employees: Jonique Bryant, JHHS Human Resources Benefits Office, 455 Phipps, [email protected] (preferred) or 410-502-6715; Johns Hopkins HealthCare employees: Temekia Butler, 6704 Curtis Court, Glen Burnie, MD 21060, 410-424-4840 or [email protected]; Bayview Medical Center employees: Sylvia Davis, Human Resources, 410-550-1175 or [email protected].

All university employees, retirees, students and alumni may call 410-516-6060 to make arrangements to purchase tickets at the Office of Faculty, Staff and Retiree Programs, third floor, Evergreen House. Not all locations accept checks. Verify prices and payment details with the representative in your area.

For additional information, go to or contact Matt Smith at [email protected] or 410-516-0345.


Residential Summer Pre-college Program

The deadline for the university's Residential Summer Pre-college Program has been extended to May 25. The program offers over 80 courses in a variety of areas and gives enrolled students the opportunity to experience college life, live in a dorm, explore the attractions of the region and earn an average of six college credits.

For a full view of the program, see the catalog online at; applications can be downloaded from this site. For specific questions call 800-548-0548 or 410-516-4548.


The Gazette | The Johns Hopkins University | Suite 540 | 901 S. Bond St. | Baltimore, MD 21231 | 443-287-9900 | [email protected]