Drumming up answer to math
Profs aim to solve 200-year-old puzzle about vibrating

A $975,398 National Science Foundation grant is
allowing a team including mathematicians at Johns Hopkins'
Krieger School of Arts and Sciences to tackle a
200-year-old question: How does the shape of drums
influence the frequency and geometry of their vibrations
when they are struck?
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BSPH hosts health care debate
Close to 400 students, faculty and staff packed Sommer
Hall and crowded around television sets at the
Bloomberg School of Public
Health on Sept. 13 to hear representatives of George
Bush and John Kerry face off in a debate titled "Access to
Public Health Care: The Presidential Positions."
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'Hedgehog' signal distinguishes prostate
Johns Hopkins researchers have discovered a possible
way to distinguish lethal metastatic prostate cancers from
those restricted to the walnut-size organ.
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