'Model' students rock the night
Benefit event is first of many planned by new group at

Andrea Balda is a "self-proclaimed dork who loves
chocolate, the 1980s and all things Harry Potter." This
particular declaration may not have made it to the final
draft of her JHU application essay, but it seemed a fitting
enough introduction as the international studies major
sauntered down the fashion runway last week in front of
several hundred screaming fellow students.
Full story...
Tiny, porous cubes could carry medicine, cell
Johns Hopkins researchers have devised a
self-assembling cube-shaped perforated container, no larger
than a dust speck, that could serve as a delivery system
for medications and cell therapy.
Full story...
Homewood Schools Set Tuition Hike
Homewood undergraduate tui-tion will rise next year to
$33,900, a 7.2 percent increase that will enable the
university to cover new operating costs for campus security
without cutbacks in critical programs for students.
Full story...