Hugs, high-fives, cheers and kisses filled the Turner
Concourse on Thursday when
School of Medicine seniors found out which hospital
residency programs they will enter after graduation this
Some 110 Johns Hopkins students were among more than
14,000 U.S. medical students nervously awaiting Match Day,
having chosen a variety of disciplines in destinations all
around the country in which to continue their medical
Although participants in the National Resident
Matching Program can learn via the World Wide Web if they
have successfully matched to a program, Johns Hopkins
continues its traditional group ritual in which students
gather with their teachers and simultaneously open white
envelopes with news of their matches.
"Match Day is one of the most significant days in a
medical student's life," said Thomas Koenig, associate dean
for student affairs and assistant professor of psychiatry
and behavioral sciences at the School of Medicine.
"Residency is the time when they develop both
professionally and personally."
Prior to Match Day, students interview with hospitals
and then provide a rank order list of preferred choices.
Hospitals submit a similar list indicating openings,
preferred students and specialty or generalist preferences.
Each applicant is matched via computer to the hospital
residency program highest on the applicant's list that has
offered the applicant a position.