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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University October 24, 2005 | Vol. 35 No. 8

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Unraveling the mystery of turbulence
New formula could help better predict weather and water movement

Professor Charles Meneveau, right, and doctoral student Yi Li inspect a Homewood campus wind tunnel, where turbulence experiments are conducted.

To most people, turbulence is the jolt felt by jet passengers moving through a rough pocket of air. But to scientists, turbulence is the chaotic flow of a gas or liquid in which parts of the current curl into irregular, ever smaller, tight eddies. It's a very common phenomenon that can affect weather conditions, greatly alter the movement of pollutants, dampen a vehicle's speed or play a role in the way chemicals mix and combustion engines perform. Yet the phenomenon is difficult to understand, and scientists cannot easily predict how a turbulent flow will behave.
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SoN receives two major gifts for building
Two well-known philanthropic organizations — the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation and the France-Merrick Foundation — have made pledges that reaffirm their continuing commitment to the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing.
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Hopkins scientist to direct new tuberculosis trials
A Johns Hopkins infectious disease expert will lead two international studies of the effectiveness of the antibiotic moxifloxacin as a new treatment for tuberculosis, the highly contagious bacterial disease that kills more than 2 million people worldwide each year and is the leading cause of death of people living with HIV and AIDS.
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In new system, images and documents are a touch away

Report assesses U.S. nonprofit governance and accountability

Course Catalog: Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll in Ancient Egypt

Homewood area steps up street parking restrictions

Emergency medical team heads to earthquake-ravaged Pakistan

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Time out for a good cause


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