Neighbors in the Dell

Residents of neighborhoods near Homewood and students
living off campus came together on Saturday, Sept. 17, in
the Wyman Park Dell for a Meet Your Neighbor gathering
hosted by the university — one of multiple steps that
JHU is taking to get the groups better acquainted, with the
goal of reducing possible tension between them.
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Alcohol use examined at Homewood
A university task force has completed a comprehensive
look into alcohol use among Johns Hopkins undergraduates at
Homewood, and developed a series of recommendations that
seeks to reduce the incidences of alcohol abuse and its
often detrimental outcomes.
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JHU training 240 new teachers in Baltimore
About 240 of the 750 new teachers in Baltimore public
schools this fall are working toward basic certification in
elementary or secondary education and master's degrees in
teaching, thanks to a partnership among The Johns Hopkins
University's Graduate Division of Education, Teach for
America and the Baltimore City Teaching Residency
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