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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University April 10, 2006 | Vol. 35 No. 29

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Goldberg kicks off urban lecture series
Architectural critic will look at rebuilding efforts after WTC and Katrina

Paul Goldberg, dean of Parsons, is a noted commentator on the broader implications of architecture and design.

Pulitzer Prize�winning architectural critic Paul Goldberger will kick off the Rebuilding America�s Cities lecture series next week with a talk titled �After the World Trade Center and Katrina: The Struggle to Repair the Broken City.� The talk will examine two of the nation�s most physically challenging, symbolically important and politically charged urban rebuilding efforts
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Many kids too big for safety seats
An increasing number of obese youngsters are unable to use child safety seats intended for use while riding cars, according to a study by researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health�s Center for Injury Research and Policy. The study, published in the April edition of Pediatrics, found there are substantial numbers of children who exceed the maximum weight limits set for most child safety
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KSAS biologist named 'million dollar' HHMI Prof
Victor Corces, a professor in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences� Biology Department, has been named a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor.
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Bush set to talk today at SAIS

Identification of genes in fruit flies may shed light on cancer spread

University says thanks to its more than 4,200 student employees

Soy�s cancer prevention properties are in doubt

Unsuspected genetic switch controls energy needs of cells

SPH launches program to improve public health training in Africa

Discovering the wonders of science

JHU Course Catalog: Hot Topics in Education

�Genetic network� in yeast guards against lethal DNA damage

Historian Paul Kramer revisits the Philippine-American War

Charred meat chemical may lead to prostate cancer, study finds

Staff recognition season starts


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