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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University December 18, 2006 | Vol. 36 No. 15
Tuitions Are Announced for 2007

Homewood schools see 5.9 percent increase to $35,900

By Greg Rienzi
The Gazette

Homewood undergraduate tuition will rise next year to $35,900 to enable the university to maintain its level of excellence, keep pace with inflation and fully fund financial aid.

That rate applies to the nearly 4,500 full-time undergraduates in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and the Whiting School of Engineering.

The 5.9 percent increase over this year's $33,900 tuition was approved by the board of trustees at its December meeting, along with next year's tuitions for all other Johns Hopkins full-time and part-time programs.

President William R. Brody said that these tuition revenues will provide funds to keep up with the increased costs of running a top-flight university.

"The rising costs of our operating expenses, student services and security measures cannot be absorbed without a significant impact on academic programs, and that is unacceptable," Brody said. "Johns Hopkins must continue to deliver educational excellence, and in order to do that, the schools must have the resources and financial flexibility they require."

Adam Falk, the James B. Knapp Dean of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, said that the schools remain dedicated to excellence in the student experience, which entails meeting the high costs associated with increased student programming, the targeted hiring of faculty in areas where the school sees significant overenrollment and the addition of new facilities, such as Charles Commons, the new residential and retail complex located in Charles Village.

"We try to keep increases as low as we can while still strengthening our ability to maintain excellence in the programs that we have built up and are committed to," he said.

Falk said that when setting tuition prices, a top priority continues to be allocating enough funds to financial aid so that Johns Hopkins can attract a diverse student body.

"We realize that any increase in tuition imposes an additional burden on many parents, so we are committed to increasing the pool of financial aid that is available to make sure that Johns Hopkins is accessible to a wide variety of students," Falk said.

About 60 percent of Homewood undergraduates will receive some form of need-based aid this year, 40 percent of them in the form of grant assistance from university funding.

The major sources of revenue for the Homewood undergraduate schools, other than tuition, are Maryland state aid, endowment and investment returns, and surpluses from professional master's programs. All of these revenue sources are projected to increase at less than the inflation rate for fiscal year 2008, according to Fred Puddester, executive director of budget and financial planning and analysis.

Puddester said that institutions like Johns Hopkins face ever-increasing costs in health care and utilities, both of them at rates that exceed those of other businesses and consumers.

The most significant new cost faced by the academic divisions--specific to Johns Hopkins and not reflected in the inflation analysis--is the increasing financial commitment required by the HopkinsOne project, the multiyear effort to modernize and upgrade Johns Hopkins' business systems.

In fiscal year 2007, Johns Hopkins tuition increased 7.2 percent, compared to a median peer school increase of 5.1 percent. Last year's increase was due in large part to the cost of implementing new security measures at the Homewood campus.

Next year's tuition increase is more in line with what the board of trustees feels are acceptable annual increases. The trustees have held most undergraduate tuition increases in recent years under 5 percent, well below the levels of earlier decades.

Brody said that the schools will continue to work to hold costs down and to raise new funds through the Johns Hopkins: Knowledge for the World campaign.

Puddester said there continues to be only modest variation in tuition levels among JHU's peer institutions.

The university's current tuition ranks seventh among a group of similarly priced 18 peer universities, including the Ivy League, Stanford, MIT and Chicago. The spread between the highest and lowest tuition among the peer group is $2,185.

The tuition increases for graduate and part-time programs at Johns Hopkins divisions range from 3.1 percent to 6.5 percent. The notable exception is a 15.6 increase in the Peabody Institute's diploma program, where tuition will be raised from $21,630 to $25,000 in fiscal year 2008.

For a listing of all 2007 tuitions and financial aid statistics, go to this page.


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