Putting doctors in your hands
JHU Press' health books provide the public with top-flight
medical advice

In the late 1970s, relatively few people knew the
proper name of Alzheimer's, a disease of the mind that
today afflicts an estimated 4.5 million Americans. Many did
know, however, of the disease's devastating effects,
progressive loss of memory and learning ability that
eventually robbed its sufferers of self and brought anguish
to loved ones.
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Unraveling 'language of surgery'
Borrowing ideas from speech recognition research,
Johns Hopkins computer scientists are building mathematical
models to represent the safest and most effective ways to
perform surgery, including such tasks as suturing,
dissecting and joining tissue.
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International pandemic flu plans lack
One-third of countries engaged in pandemic influenza
planning have not prioritized who should get vaccinations
and antiviral medications, according to researchers from
the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
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