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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University April 2, 2007 | Vol. 36 No. 28

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Great day for the Beach

Neither sun nor blue skies nor 82-degree temperatures, it turns out, can stop Johns Hopkins students from studying...
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ABC once more turns its lens on JHM
The dramas that play themselves out daily at a world-famous medical institution will once again be depicted on the small screen. ABC News has returned to Johns Hopkins.
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Study: Should single parents stay that way?
In an age when cohabitation and divorce are common, single parents concerned about the developmental health of their children may want to choose new partners slowly and deliberately, new research from The Johns Hopkins University suggests.
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'U.S. News' releases annual graduate school rankings

Decisions, decisions

Public Health shutterbugs focus on their global mission

SAIS team takes third place in business challenge competition

Physicist Andrei Gritsan wins NSF Career Award, Sloan Fellowship

JHM now testing only 256-slice CT scanner in North America

Researchers develop a novel X-ray system to track stem cells

Relay for Life set for April 13-14 on Homewood campus

Study: Americans don't consume enough fruits and vegetables

Fostering evidence-based nursing requires top-level support

Heart failure? Race takes back seat to diabetes, high blood pressure

Pediatrics: Translation services rarely provided for families not proficient in English


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