Talent Development High Schools rated highly by Dept. of
By Mary Maushard Homewood
Talent Development High Schools, a national reform
model developed at Johns Hopkins, received the
second-highest rating for promoting students through school
in an independent review by the U.S. Department of
Education. As a result, Talent Development will be listed
as an effective research-based plan for reducing dropouts
by the What Works Clearinghouse, the department's source of
scientific evidence of what works in education.
The clearinghouse posts only programs that are shown
to be effective, according to its strict standards of
research. Its report on Talent Development is based on a
study in 11 Philadelphia high schools, five of which used
the Talent Development reforms for several years and six
where no reforms were implemented. In this study, Talent
Development shows "a statistically significant � positive
effect," according to the clearinghouse report, posted July
18 on its Web site, www.whatworks.ed.gov.
The report found that "students using Talent
Development High Schools earned an average of 9.5 course
credits over the first two years of high school, while
comparison group students earned 8.6 course credits. In
addition, students at Talent Development High Schools were
more likely to be promoted to 10th grade than comparison
students (68 percent to 60 percent)."
Robert Balfanz, a co-director of Talent
Development High Schools and a research scientist at
Johns Hopkins' Center
for Social Organization of Schools, said, "It is
heartening to see the growing number of independent reviews
and research studies that validate both the Talent
Development High Schools' vision of school improvement and
its impact on student success. When we get students to
attend more frequently, help them close their skill gaps,
teach them time management and study skills, engage them in
learning by linking it to the real world and provide
teachers and administrators the support they need to
accomplish this, then we see students passing more courses,
being promoted on time and ultimately graduating in greater
numbers prepared for adult success."
More than 100 high schools in 15 states are using
Talent Development.
The model uses a college preparatory curriculum for
all students, combining a district's curriculum with extra
help for those students who start high school below grade
level in reading and/or mathematics. Its hallmarks are
90-minute class periods, a separate ninth-grade academy to
help students make the transition to high school, special
courses to prepare students for demanding high school work,
teachers who work in teams and intense professional
development, including in-class coaching, for teachers.
GO TO AUGUST 6, 2007