Here's looking at JHU

Jay VanRensselaer prompted me to sit on the stool, arms
crossed. All around me stood an array of photographic
equipment: strobes, a background, a softbox and two panels
called gobos.
It was time for my close-up.
I started the photo shoot with a standard
smile, then a serious look.
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Digital Grid to Link Heart
With $8.5 million in federal support, leading researchers
at three universities are creating an ambitious digital
network that will allow cardiovascular researchers
worldwide to easily exchange data and expertise on
heart-related illnesses. The Johns Hopkins-based project,
called the Cardiovascular Research Grid, is expected to be
a boon to the large community of researchers who will use
these digital tools to find new ways to prevent, detect and
treat life-threatening cardiac ailments.
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JHM trustees support statewide smoking
The governing board of Johns Hopkins Medicine on March 5
unanimously voted to throw its support behind Maryland
legislators' efforts to ban smoking in all indoor public
spaces in the state.
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