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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University March 12, 2007 | Vol. 36 No. 25

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Here's looking at JHU

One of 430 subjects so far, senior Laura Carrihill hams it up in the MSE Library for photographer Jay VanRensselaer.

Jay VanRensselaer prompted me to sit on the stool, arms crossed. All around me stood an array of photographic equipment: strobes, a background, a softbox and two panels called gobos.
   It was time for my close-up.
   I started the photo shoot with a standard smile, then a serious look.
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Digital Grid to Link Heart Researchers
With $8.5 million in federal support, leading researchers at three universities are creating an ambitious digital network that will allow cardiovascular researchers worldwide to easily exchange data and expertise on heart-related illnesses. The Johns Hopkins-based project, called the Cardiovascular Research Grid, is expected to be a boon to the large community of researchers who will use these digital tools to find new ways to prevent, detect and treat life-threatening cardiac ailments.
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JHM trustees support statewide smoking ban
The governing board of Johns Hopkins Medicine on March 5 unanimously voted to throw its support behind Maryland legislators' efforts to ban smoking in all indoor public spaces in the state.
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Evergreen seeks docents, training starts this month

Peabody joins BSO in new Conducting Fellows Program

BME major Gaurav Gupta named Soro Fellow for 2007

Dexter Smith of APL to chair EPP Electrical, Computer Engineering

Widely used hepatitis B drug spurs HIV drug resistance

Heads up to parents: Kidney disease in kids is common but treatable

Shattuck Family donates $1 mill for new burn unit at Children's Center

CARES Safety Center gets national injury prevention award

New book looks at preparing workforce for labor turmoil

Anne M. Pinkard, longtime Johns Hopkins trustee, dies at 83

APL microscopic instrument aboard Air Force Academy satellite

Adding antibiotics to chicken feed for growth not cost-effective

Sarah David elected young trustee of the university for four-year term

'Live Near Your Work'

Hopkins History: Fund-raising in the '30s


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