Johns Hopkins Gazette | June 25, 2007
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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University June 25, 2007 | Vol. 36 No. 38

For the Record: Milestones

The following staff members recently retired or celebrated an anniversary with the university in May of 2007. The information is compiled by the Office of Faculty, Staff and Retiree Programs, 410-516-6060.


Academic and Cultural Centers

15 years of service
Osmeyer, Shawn, MSE Library

10 years of service
Matthews, Janet, MSE Library
Woodson, Sue, MSE Library


Bloomberg School of Public Health

25 years of service
Richards, Thomas, Faculty Centers and Academic Programs

20 years of service
Aaron, Nicole, Health Policy and Management

10 years of service
Barta, Young-Ju, Environmental Health Sciences
Beisser, Mark, Center for Communication Programs
Bharath-Kumar, Uttara, Center for Communication Programs
Langford, Janice, International Health
McCray, Rhonda, Health Policy and Management
Walker, Scot, Research Administration

5 years of service
Ahmed, Mohammad, Epidemiology
Cirko, Andrew, Information Systems
Colison, Carri, Finance and Administration
Long, Yasmeen, Epidemiology
Warner, Sharon, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Carey School of Business

10 years of service
Donnelly, Laura, Professional Schools Administration

5 years of service
Garza, Roderick, Professional Schools Administration


Homewood Student Affairs

5 years of service
Turner, Howard, III, Student Financial Services


Johns Hopkins University Press

30 years of service
Harris, Wendy, Acquisitions

5 years of service
Wingenroth, Brian, Muse Technical Services


Krieger School of Arts and Sciences

35 years of service
Stichion, Pamela, Sociology

25 years of service
Kerner, Nancy, Office of the Dean


Peabody Institute

25 years of service
Goodwin, Anita, Financial Aid


School of Medicine

30 years of service
Espinas, Bernadita, Physicians Billing Service

25 years of service
Pessaro, Mildred, Medicine, Clinical Immunology
Reese, Rhonda, Medicine, Chairman's Office

20 years of service
Ashby, Allen, Medicine, Custodial Services
Bohan, Eileen, Neurosurgical Oncology
Cosgriff, Rosalie, Medicine, Cardiology
Mason, Freda, Radiation Oncology

15 years of service
Aman, Terry, Pathology-General Administration
Bacon, Judith, Pathology
Fuller, Gregory, Emergency Medicine
Miller, Marsha, Physiology
Summerfield, Gloria, JHOC Administration

10 years of service
Black, Veronica, Neurology
Bryant, Renee, Medicine, Hematology
Busby, Kimberly, Oncology, Brain Cancer
Freeman, Sonja, Medicine, Cardiology
Gaydos, Thomas, Facilities Maintenance and Operations
Lynch-Baker, Kim, Oncology Billing
Keyes, Barbara, Orthopedics
Ricucci, Laurel, Molecular Biology and Genetics
Stallings, Sandra, Dermatology, Cosmetic Center
Tang, Weizhu, Anesthesiology
Thompson, Steven, Sr. Vice President, Johns Hopkins Medicine
Wlajnitz, Sandi, Plastic Surgery

5 years of service
Acuner, Mehmet, Welch Medical Library
Anikas, Robin, Medicine, Billing
Armstrong, Stacey, Oncology, Hematologic Malignancies
Bittle, Mark, JHOC Administration
Begum, Shahnaz, Pathology, Surgical Pathology
Bell, Cynthia, Obstetrics/Gynecology
Bogdan, Virginia, Psychiatry, Behavioral Biology
Breton, Elayne, Medicine, Cardiology
Davison, Coda, Oncology, Pediatric Oncology
Elder, Edith, Marketing and Communications
Erlwein, Maxine, Research Administration
Gambichler, Bonnie, Oncology, Chemical Therapeutics
Greco, Regina, Medicine, Rheumatology
Humphrey, Frances, Occupational Health Services
Johnson, Dynishie, III, Animal Resources
Johnson, Johnny, Facilities Support Services
Johnson, Nicole, Medicine, Cardiology
Joyner, Priscilla, Facilities Support Services
Kimura, Miho, Pathology, Immunology
Largent, Tina, Oncology, Cancer Biology
Mikula, Judy, Office of Human Subjects Research
Mrozowski, Susan, Academic Computing
Ongaco, Chrissie, Center for Inherited Disease Research
Solt, Sara, Oncology, Cancer Immunology and Hematopoeisis
Spencer, Penny, Pathology, Molecular Diagnostics Lab
Sullens, Emma, Academic Affairs
Tucker, Charlotte, Surgery, Surgical Oncology
Webb, Lisa, Neurology, Neuromuscular
Wilsbach, Kathleen, Pathology, Molecular Pathology
Yoritomo, Nadine, Psychiatry, General Neurobiology and Schizophrenia


School of Nursing

10 years of service
Smaw, Brenda, Community and Public Health


University Administration

40 years of service
McKinney, Roy, Mail Services

30 years of service
Gallant-Britton, Lydia, Training
Layton, Mary, Data Center Services
Winston, Kevin, Central Receiving

25 years of service
Stafford, John, Building Operations and Maintenance

20 years of service
Hoy, Rick, Printing Services
Lamberti, Janet, Office of the Provost

15 years of service
Fogarty, Linda, JHPIEGO
Roberts, Lenora, Housing and Custodial Services

10 years of service
Benamor, Linda, JHPIEGO
Snead, Anthony, Enterprise Messaging and Collaboration
Wingate-Gaiser, Diana, Accounts Receivables Shared Services
Wisniewski, Melissa, Technical Support Services

5 years of service
Barton, Monique, Enterprise Network Services
Bennett, Gabrielle, Development
Cox, Joseph, IT@Johns Hopkins
Davis, Danielle, Reporting
Fastner, Elizabeth, Investments
Hellen, Stephen, Student Information Systems
Mackey, Sharon, Custodial Services
Sanchez, Linda, Investments
Smith, Matt, Faculty, Staff and Retiree Programs
Stewart, Sheemia, Sponsored Projects


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