Remembering Victor McKusick

Victor Almon McKusick, University Professor of Medical
Genetics at the Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine; one of the two distinguished
Johns Hopkins geneticists for whom the McKusick-Nathans
Institute of Genetic Medicine was named; and a towering
international figure in genetics research, diagnosis and
treatment, died July 22 at the age of 86.
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Rethinking HR for the future
Human Resources is reinventing itself. A number of major
organizational and customer service changes are on tap as
the office strives to transform itself to better align
with the university's mission and goals, and to be more
responsive to a changing workplace.
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Nonprofits face constraints on policy
America's nonprofit organizations are widely involved
in efforts to influence the public policies
affecting them and those they serve but are constrained by
tight budgets, limited staff time and
confusing legal restrictions, according to a new survey by
the Johns Hopkins University Nonprofit Listening Post
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