Peter J. Pronovost, an
anesthesiologist and critical care physician at the
Johns Hopkins School
of Medicine and an internationally prominent patient safety
researcher and advocate, has been named
one of the world's most influential people of 2008 by
Time Magazine.
The magazine's annual list recognizes people "whose
power, talent or moral example is
transforming our world."
Pronovost, a professor in the Department of Surgery as
well as in Anesthesiology and Critical
Care Medicine, has advanced the use of rigorous scientific
research to develop simple tools for
greatly improving patient safety and care. He is perhaps
best known for a project conducted in and
for intensive care units in Michigan, in which the routine
application of a simple checklist of basic
precautions for practitioners reduced catheter-related
bloodstream infections in patients by up to 66
percent. His earlier research showed that ICUs staffed with
medical intensivists — physicians specially
trained in critical care medicine — achieved a 30
percent reduction in mortality rates.
The checklist has been widely adopted in Michigan,
Rhode Island and New Jersey. Other states
may follow suit, and a number of countries, including
Spain, the Netherlands, England and Ireland, are
considering implementing the program. The success of the
Michigan ICU safety initiative was the
subject of a New Yorker magazine article in December
and a New York Times editorial in January.
The author of more than 200 articles and chapters in
the fields of patient safety, ICU care,
quality health care, evidence-based medicine and the
measurement and evaluation of safety efforts,
Pronovost has seen his "science of safety" enterprise
embraced by numerous domestic and European
health systems as well as the World Health Organization. He
also has testified before Congress to
promote patient safety initiatives and the creation of a
"culture of safety" in hospitals and among
medical practitioners. A tireless advocate for the
development of innovative, field-tested and
practical patient safety tools, he is a frequent speaker to
hospital staff, health care administrators,
policy-makers and patient safety groups.
"We become physicians to help alleviate pain and
suffering, not to add to it," Pronovost says. "As
doctors and nurses, our first admonishment is to do no
harm. But that is not always the case."
Pronovost's interest in patient safety stems from his
personal experience as a young medical
student. During that time, he had to watch his father die,
in part due to preventable medical errors.
"Doctors and nurses want to provide the best care," he
says. "But when I watched my dad die
because of medical mistakes resulting from a lack of the
right tools and training among medical staff,
I thought that there has to be a better way, and I've spent
most of my career seeking to find these
better ways."
Edward D. Miller, dean and CEO of Johns Hopkins
Medicine, said, "Patient safety is the No. 1
priority for Johns Hopkins Medicine, and we have long
recognized Peter as a leader in the field. We
are delighted — and not surprised — that
Time Magazine has recognized his pioneering work.
While it's
rare for research to impact practice, and rarer still for
it to impact policy, Peter has a knack for
conducting research that does both."
Pronovost also serves as medical director for Johns
Hopkins' Center for Innovation in Quality
Patient Care and has a faculty appointment in health
policy at the School of Public Health, where he
established a World Health Organization-sponsored master's
degree in public health program that
focuses on improving clinical performance and patient