'USA Today' honors star students
Two from Johns Hopkins among 20 nationally on Academic
First Team

Even on a campus overflowing with bright, motivated
overachievers, Kurt Herzer and Carmen
Kut manage to stand out. In addition to earning nearly
perfect grades, both undergraduates not only have conducted
demanding and important research projects but also have
organized and participated in a plethora of
extracurricular activities, both on and off campus.
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The university turns 132 — and it's a time to
Break out your gold and sable, summon your inner Blue
Jay and get ready for a birthday party,
Johns Hopkins-style.
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Undergrad interest sparks new class focusing on urban
Back in the fall, a dozen Homewood undergraduates met
to discuss a speaker series for the
spring term focused on urban health issues. The students,
mostly public health studies majors and
student organization leaders, were trying to hash out how
many speakers to bring in, where and when
they would speak and, of course, who might agree to
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