Now that green is not just a color but also an
environmentally conscious way of living and doing
business, there is a growing need for classes that
incorporate "green" knowledge. The Johns Hopkins
Engineering and Applied Science Programs for
Professionals are responding to that need.
"The environmental and conservation movement is
revitalized, with a new strategy focused on
finding innovative solutions for the most pressing
ecological challenges," said Allan Bjerkaas, EPP
associate dean. "Most of the 'green' technology is in the
early stages, which presents practically
unlimited opportunities for scientists and engineers to
create systems that use energy more
efficiently. Companies' desire to incorporate this new
knowledge into their operations fits the EPP
paradigm to provide students with a relevant, cutting-edge
A number of EPP instructors are actively engaged in
research related to the sustainability of
vital human ecological support systems, and they're sharing
what they've learned about "green"
technology with students.
This year, two EPP instructors offered master's-level
"green" courses. Harry Charles, chair of
the applied physics academic program and head of APL's
Technical Services Department, taught a
course called Alternate Energy Technology. He created the
course, he said, because "energy is on
everyone's mind. There is a lot of new technology
available, and we've had students inquiring about the
subject, so I thought there would be interest in it."
Interest was indeed there: More than 20
students from a number of engineering and science
disciplines enrolled.
The course addressed energy sources that provide
alternatives to fossil fuels. The instruction
also focused on the technology basis of alternative energy
methods and their practicality, potential
for widespread use and economic effectiveness. The class
covered energy technologies such as
photovoltaics, solar thermal, wind energy, geothermal and
thermal gradient sources, biomass and
synthetic fuels, hydroelectric, wave and tidal energy, and
nuclear energy.
"We also discussed the physics behind the primary
energy technologies, some of the history of
various systems, ongoing research and the influence of
politics on alternative energy," Charles said.
Another faculty member, William Roper, led a course in
the Environmental Engineering, Science
and Management program called Sustainable Development and
Next-Generation Buildings. Roper is the
director of the Department of Environmental Services for
Arlington County, Va., and is a research
professor in the Department of Geography at George Mason
The course introduced students to the concepts,
applications and tools that stakeholders need
for analysis and decision making in sustainable
environmental development and the design of next-
generation communities and buildings. In this context,
"sustainable" refers to human economic systems
that can last longer and have less impact on ecological
The course covered LEED (Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design) building and
certification principles as well as integrated design and
construction practices in the areas of
sustainable site planning, safeguarding water and water
efficiency, energy efficiency and renewable
energy, conservation of materials and resources, and indoor
environmental quality. Roper used case
studies to illustrate concepts and applications, including
the relevance of sustainable development to
infrastructure issues that may occur in the federal Base
Realignment and Closing process.
EPP plans to offer additional "green" courses as
engineers and scientists seek greater expertise
in alternative technologies and sustainable development.