Weekly Calendar
'Rebuilding America's Cities'
By Heather Egan Stalfort JHU Museums
The 52-story New York Times building,
completed in 2007, is a joint venture of the New York Times Co.
and Forest City Ratner.
Photo courtesy of Forest City
The third annual Rebuilding America's Cities lecture
presented by the Johns Hopkins Institute
for Policy Studies and Evergreen Museum & Library will be
held at 6:30 p.m., on Thursday, May 1, in
the Evergreen Carriage House. Ronald Ratner, executive vice
president and director of Forest City
Enterprises, and president and CEO of Forest City
Residential Group, will give a talk titled "American
Cities: Does Size Matter?"
Ratner, an executive vice president of one of the largest
publicly traded real estate companies
in the United States, will discuss the pitfalls of equating
city size and growth with success, the
central role that cities play in metropolitan areas and
smart strategies for shrinking cities.
Forest City Enterprises has been characterized as the
nation's foremost visionary on urban
development. "It's a $10 billion company that has done more
'rebuilding' throughout the U.S. than any
other entity," said Sandra Newman, director of IPS. "At
present, for example, they are directing the
rebuilding of the Anacostia waterfront in Washington, D.C.,
the downtown Brooklyn Atlantic Avenue
redevelopment [in New York] and, closer to home, the East
Baltimore redevelopment."
Ratner's experience with Forest City began in 1975 and has
included direct development,
construction, financing and management responsibilities,
beginning with individual projects and leading
to executive supervision of multiple large-scale
developments on a national level. He received his
bachelor's degree from Brandeis University and completed
the master's program in architecture at
UCLA. A member of the Urban Land Institute and a director
of the National Multi Housing Council,
Ratner also has served as a member of Fannie Mae's National
Housing Impact Advisory Council.
The Rebuilding America's Cities lectures are made possible
through the support of the Provost's
Office, the Evergreen House Foundation and media partners
WTMD 89.7 FM and WYPR 88.1 FM.
Previous lectures were presented in May 2007 by New Orleans
recovery czar Edward J. Blakely and in
April 2006 by architecture critic Paul Goldberger.
"American Cities: Does Size Matter?" marks Evergreen Museum
& Library's seventh Garrett
Lecture on Urban Issues, a series that commemorates the
interest of the Garrett family, the former
owners of Evergreen, in recreation, civic improvement and
urban planning.
Seating is limited and an RSVP is encouraged. To respond,
or for more information, e-mail
[email protected] or go to
Mon., April 28, 9:30 a.m. "Telescoping," a Cognitive
Science special colloquium with Jan Anderssen,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 134A Krieger. HW
Tues., April 29, 10:45 a.m. "Self-Organization in
High Density 802.11 Wireless Access Networks," a
Cognitive Science colloquium with Dina Papagiannaki, Intel
Research Laboratory. CSEB Auditorium
(B17). HW
Tues., April 29, 4:15 p.m. "Chemistry and Biology of
DNA Damage Induced by Reactive Oxygen and
Reactive Carbonyl Species," a Chemistry colloquium with
Yingsheng Wang, University of California,
Riverside. 233 Remsen. HW
Thurs., May 1, 10:45 a.m. "Randomized Algorithms for
Matrix Computations and Applications to Data
Mining," a Cognitive Science colloquium with Petros
Drineas, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. CSEB
Auditorium (B17). HW
Thurs., May 1, 3 p.m. "Cosmic Structure From Large
to (Very) Small Scale," a Physics and Astronomy
colloquium with Simon White, Max Planck Institute for
Astrophysics, Munich. Schafler Auditorium,
Bloomberg Center. HW
Thurs., May 1, 3 p.m. "The Lysenko Controversy in
Postwar Japan: Geneticists Between Science and
Politics," a Program in the History of Science, Medicine
and Technology colloquium with Kaori Iida,
KSAS. Seminar Room, 3505 N. Charles St. HW
Fri., May 2, 2 p.m. "Marine Mammals and Noise:
Science Applications and Perspectives on a Contentious
(and Misrepresented) Issue," an APL colloquium with Brandon
Southall, NOAA. Parsons Auditorium.
Tues., April 29, noon. "Intervening With Drug
Abusing Patients in Primary Care Medical Settings: New
Research Evidence, Practice Guidelines and Policy Changes,"
a Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
special research conference with Bertha Madras, Office of
National Drug Control Policy/Executive
Office of the President. 1-191 Meyer. EB
Sat., May 3, 7:30 p.m. "Egyptian Sun Raqs the
Casbah," an evening of belly dance with special guests
Naimah, Antonia and Sharm el Sheikh. Sponsored by Egyptian
Sun Productions, a multicultural Middle
Eastern dance group. $8 general admission, $15 reserved
seating, $5 for students and children; $6 at
the door (students and children) and $10 (general
admission). Shriver Auditorium. HW
Wed., April 30, 12:15 p.m. Global warming open forum
with members of the President's Task Force on
Climate Change. Last of three informal lunchtime gatherings
intended for the entire Hopkins
community. Sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Sustainability
Initiative. Arellano Theater, Levering. HW
Wed., April 30, 5 p.m. The Africana Studies Critical
Thought Collective meeting and discussion of
Lewis R. Gordon's An Introduction to Africana Philosophy.
Sponsored by the Center for Africana
Studies. 113 Greenhouse. HW
Mon., April 28, 6 p.m. Screening of the movie
Busted: The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police
Encounters. Sponsored by Hopkins ACLU. 111 Mergenthaler.
Information Sessions
Tues., April 29, 7 to 9 p.m. Online information
session for the MS in Advanced Biotechnology Studies
program. RSVP online to
Mon., April 28, 8:15 a.m. The William M. Shelley
Memorial Lecture — "The Pathologist's Role in Patient
With Diffuse Lung Disease — Diagnosis or Pattern
Recognition?" by Jeffrey Myers, University of
Michigan. Hurd Hall. EB
Mon., April 28, 4 p.m. Dean's Lecture IV —
"Genes, Vaccines and Immune Checkpoints: An All-Out
Attack on Pancreatic Cancer" by Elizabeth Jaffee, SoM. Hurd
Hall. EB
Tues., April 29, 3 p.m. The Jan M. Minkowski
Memorial Lecture in Quantum Electronics — "The Nature
of the Photon: Particle and Wave Mechanics" by Michael
Rayner, Oregon Center for Optics. Sponsored
by Electrical and Computer Engineering. 210 Hodson. HW
Thurs., May 1, 4 p.m. The Third John C. and Susan
S.G. Wierman Lecture — "Greenhouse, White House
and Environmental Statistics: The Use of Statistics in
Environmental Decision Making" by Barry
Nussbaum, Environmental Protection Agency. 213 Hodson.
Mon., May 5, 4 p.m. The Carlson Lecture —
"Single Molecule Mechanics, Tension Sensing and the Myosin
Family of Molecular Motors" by James Spudich, Stanford
University. Sponsored by Biophysics. 26
Mudd. HW
Tues., April 29, 7:30 p.m. "Opera Etudes," the
Peabody Opera Workshop performs short new operas by
Peabody composers. For information, call the Peabody Box
Office, 410-659-8100, ext. 2. Friedberg
Hall. Peabody
Thurs., May 1, and Fri., May 2, 7:30 p.m. "Greatest
Hits," the Peabody Renaissance Ensemble performs
in a celebration of its 20th anniversary. $15 general
admission, $10 for senior citizens and $5 for
students with ID. Griswold Hall. Peabody
Fri., May 2, 5:45 p.m. Peabody at Homewood Concert
Series presents harpist Jacqueline Pollauf,
performing works by Handel, Respighi, Rota and Pescetti.
Sponsored by Johns Hopkins University
Museums. $15 general admission, $12 for Homewood House
members; $5 student rush tickets may be
available 15 minutes prior to the performance.
Pre-registration required; call 410-516-5589.
Homewood Museum. HW
Sun., May 4, 3 p.m. Peabody's Children's Chorus
performs. Sponsored by Peabody Preparatory.
Friedberg Hall. Peabody
Sun., May 4, 8 p.m. Performance of Maurice Durufle's
Requiem by the Johns Hopkins Choral Society,
with the Ecco Women's Chamber Choir and the Baltimore
Masterworks Chorale. Grace United
Methodist Church, 5407 N. Charles St.
Mon., May 5, 7 p.m. The Alan Munshower Trio gives a
live jazz performance. Barnes & Noble Johns
Hopkins. HW
Open House
Wed., April 30, 4:30 p.m. Open house for part-time
Biotechnology Studies graduate degree programs.
Other schools represented at the open house are the
Bloomberg School of Public Health, Carey
Business School, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, the
School of Education and the Whiting School
of Engineering. Sponsored by the Advanced Biotechnology
Studies Program. Montgomery County
Campus, 9601 Medical Center Drive, Rockville, Md.
Master of Arts in Writing Program presentation,
where graduating students will read from their
works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry and
Fri., May 2, 6 to 7 p.m. Reception; readings follow.
210 Hodson. HW
Sat., May 3, 4:15 to 8:15 p.m. Readings; reception
from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Washington D.C. Center.
Mon., April 28, noon. "The Silent Cry: Birth
Asphyxia in Rural Nepal," an International Center for
Advancing Neonatal Health seminar with Anne Lee. W2030 SPH.
Mon., April 28, 12:15 p.m. "'Do You Believe in
Gender?': Transsexuality, Narrative and the Bioethics of
Cutting Off Your Leg," a Berman Institute of Bioethics
seminar with Dan O'Connor, Georgetown
University and Greenwall Fellow in the Berman Institute of
Bioethics. Co-sponsored by the Institute
of the History of Medicine. W3030 SPH. EB
Mon., April 28, 3 p.m. "Isometric Embedding of
Compact Surfaces in R3," a Mathematics/Analysis
seminar with Qing Han, University of Notre Dame. 308
Krieger. HW
Mon., April 28, 4 p.m. "Coarse Graining in Space and
Time: From Peptide Dynamics to Transcription
Factor Binding and Multi-Protein Assemblies," a Biophysics
seminar with Gerhard Hummer, NIH. 111
Mergenthaler. HW
Mon., April 28, 4 p.m. The David Bodian Seminar in
Neuroscience — "Learning Reward Timing in Cortex:
A Theoretical Study" with Harel Shouval, University of
Texas Medical School at Houston. Sponsored
by the Krieger Mind/Brain Institute. 338 Krieger. HW
Tues., April 29, 11:30 a.m. "Mechanism and Potential
Therapy for the Childhood Neurodegenerative
Disease, Mucolipidosis" with Kartik Venkatachalam; and
"Tumor-Associated MHC II-restricted
Phosphopeptides: New Targets for Immune Recognition" with
Depontieu Florence, a Johns Hopkins
Postdoctoral Association scientific seminar. Tilghman
Auditorium. EB
Tues., April 29, noon. "Exact Reconstruction of
Sparse Signals From Very Few Measurements," an
Applied Mathematics and Statistics student seminar with
Valentina Staneva. 304 Whitehead. HW
Tues., April 29, noon. "Predicting Protein Structure
with a Minimum of Brute Force," a Biological
Chemistry seminar with David Shortle, SoM. 612 Physiology.
Tues., April 29, noon. "Prevention in the Severely
Mentally Ill: Primary Care Quality and Adverse
Events Among Persons with Schizophrenia, and the Benefit of
Physical Activity on Sleep in a
Community Sample of Persons With Severe Mental Illness," an
Epidemiology thesis defense seminar
with Elizabeth Khaykin. W3030 SPH. EB
Tues., April 29, 1 p.m. "Stability of Synaptic
Plasticity: Theoretical Modeling of Molecular Processes,"
a Neuroscience research seminar with Harel Shouval,
University of Texas Medical School at Houston.
West Lecture Hall, WBSB. EB
Tues., April 29, 3 p.m. "Modern China: Development
vs. Environment," a Geography and Environmental
Engineering seminar with Jentai Yang, president, U.S.�China
Association for Environmental Education.
234 Ames. HW
Tues., April 29, 4 to 6 p.m. "Painting China With a
French Brush: Chen Jitong and the Dual
Authenticity of a Late Qing Cultural Mediator" with Ke Ren;
and "Money and Power: 'Penitence Silver'
and the Politics of Punishment in the Qianlong Reign
(1736-95)," East Asian History thesis defense
seminars. 315 Gilman. HW
Tues., April 29, 4 p.m. "Witnessing Lives:
Conversion and Life History in Colonial Central India," an
Anthropology seminar with Saurabh Dube, El Colegio de
Mexico. 400 Macaulay. HW
Wed., April 30, noon. "Cidea and FSP27 Are
Associated With Fat Metabolism and Insulin Sensitivity in
Humans," a Biological Chemistry seminar with Vishwajeet
Puri, University of Massachusetts Medical
School. Co-sponsored by the Center for Metabolism and
Obesity Research. 612 Physiology. EB
Wed., April 30, 1:30 p.m. "Exploring Landscapes of
Biomolecular Recognition and Cellular Networks:
Specificity and Robustness," a Biophysics and Biophysical
Chemistry seminar with Jin Wang, SUNY at
Stony Brook. 517 PCTB. EB
Wed., April 30, 4 p.m. "'Displaying the Ensigns of
Harmony': The French Army in Newport, Rhode
Island, 1780-81," a European History seminar with Trenton
Cole Jones. 315 Gilman. HW
Wed., April 30, 4 p.m. "Culture, Politics and
Community: Living Public Health in Nigeria," an
International Health seminar with William Brieger, SPH.
W1214 SPH (Sheldon Hall). EB
Wed., April 30, 4 p.m. "From Alzheimer's Disease and
Prions to the Origins of Evolution," a
Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences seminar with David
Lynn, Emory University School of Medicine.
West Lecture Hall, WBSB. EB
Wed., April 30, 4:15 p.m. "Discovery of Kinesin
Spindle Protein Inhibitor MK-0731 for the Treatment
of Cancer," a Chemistry special seminar with Christopher
Cox, Merck & Co. Inc. 233 Remsen. HW
Thurs., May 1, noon. "Male Reproductive Proteins and
Mating Behavior of the Dengue Vector, Aedes
aegypti," a Molecular Microbiology and
Immunology/Infectious Diseases seminar with Laura
Harrington, Cornell University. W2030 SPH. EB
Thurs., May 1, noon. "Morphing Mitochondria by
Fusion and Division," a Cell Biology seminar with Hiromi
Sesaki, SoM. Suite 2-200, 1830 Bldg. EB
Thurs., May 1, 12:15 p.m. "Chromosome-wide Control
of Gene Expression and Crossover Distribution," a
Carnegie Institution Embryology seminar with Barbara Meyer,
University of California, Berkeley. Rose
Auditorium, 3520 San Martin Drive. HW
Thurs., May 1, 1 p.m. "Role of Astrocytic Signaling
in Physiology and Neurological Disorders," a
Neuroscience research seminar with Ken McCarthy, University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. West
Lecture Hall, WBSB. EB
Thurs., May 1, 4 p.m. "Marek's Disease: Insights
into Herpesvirus Oncology," a Biology seminar with
Robin Morgan, University of Delaware. 100 Mudd. HW
Thurs., May 1, 4 p.m. "Design and Optimization of a
Tissue-Specific Ultrasonic Transducer Micro-
Array," an Electrical and Computer Engineering seminar with
Clyde Clark, WSE. 117 Barton. HW
Fri., May 2, 12:15 p.m. "National Committee on Vital
and Health Statistics: Advising on Health
Statistics, HIPAA and Electronic Health Records," a Health
Sciences Informatics seminar with Don
Steinwachs, SPH. W1214 SPH (Sheldon Hall). EB
Mon., May 5, 4 p.m. "Single Molecule Mechanics,
Tension Sensing and the Myosin Family of Molecular
Motors," a Biophysics seminar with James Spudich, Stanford
University. Mudd Auditorium. HW
Special Events
Mon., April 28, 2 to 9 p.m. JHU Press Annual Book
Sale, all kinds of books available for just $3 per
pound. Intended for the Hopkins community only; college ID
required for admission. Best pick of books
before sale is opened to the public on Tues., April 29.
Glass Pavilion, Levering. HW
Tues., April 29, 5 p.m. "Hawaiian Night," JHU's
newly formed Hawai'i Club invites the Hopkins
community to enjoy local Hawaiian dishes as well as
pineapple delicacies. Fresh Food Cafe, AMR II.
Thurs., May 1, 6:30 p.m. The Seventh Garrett Lecture
on Urban Issues — "American Cities: Does Size
Matter?" by Ronald Ratner, Forest City Enterprises and the
Forest City Residential Group. Part of
the series Rebuilding America's Cities. (See "Rebuilding
America's Cities," above.) Co-sponsored by the
Institute for Policy Studies, Evergreen Museum & Library,
the Provost's Office and the Evergreen
House Foundation. Evergreen Museum & Library. HW
Mon., May 5, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sculpture at Evergreen
2008, biennial outdoor exhibition of site-specific
sculptures. (See story, "Keeping the Garrett legacy alive,"
in this issue.) Sponsored by Johns Hopkins
University Museums. Continues through Sept. 28. Evergreen
Museum & Library.
Mon., April 28, 7 p.m. Men's Lacrosse, Blue Jays vs.
Mount St. Mary's. $7 admission, $5 for kids 12 and
under; $10 reserved. HW
Tues., April 29, 3:30 p.m. Baseball, Blue Jays v.
Haverford. HW
The Institute for NanoBioTechnology's Spring
Symposium. (See story, "Second
NanoBio Symposiium to focus on cancer," in this
Thurs., May 1, 2 to 5 p.m. "Nanotechnology for
Cancer," a workshop and discussion of
nanotechnological methods of cancer diagnosis and
treatment, with faculty experts Luis Dias, Justin
Hanes, Kenneth Kinzler, Konstantinos Konstantopoulos,
Anirban Maitra, Martin Pomper, Jonathan
Schneck, Peter Searson and Denis Wirtz. Owens Auditorium,
Fri., May 2, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Symposium and poster
session, with speakers Donald Inger, Harvard
College; Jennifer West, Rice University; and Paras Prasad,
University of Baltimore. The poster
session, with presentations on nanotechnology research from
many JHU departments, begins at 2 p.m.
Turner Auditorium and Turner Concourse. EB
Fri., May 2, 4 p.m. "Catharsis in Aristotle's
'Poetics'," the D.C. Area Symposium in Ancient Philosophy
with Pierre Destree, University of Louvain and University
of Md., College Park. Sponsored
by Philosophy. 348 Gilman. HW
Fri., May 2, Sat., May 3, 8 p.m., and Sun., May 4, 2
p.m. Johns Hopkins University Theatre presents Bus
Stop. $15 general admission, $13 for senior citizens, JHU
faculty, staff and alumni, $5 for students.
Merrick Barn. HW
Fri., May 2, 9 a.m. "Managing Workplace Diversity,"
a Center for Training and Education workshop with
Sharon Fries-Britt. To register, go to:
msdregform.pdf. 2024 E. Monument St., Room 2-1002. EB
GO TO APRIL 28, 2008