Johns Hopkins Gazette | April 28, 2008
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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University April 28, 2008 | Vol. 37 No. 32



Summer Intern Housing

The Applied Physics Laboratory's Technical College summer interns need housing. Individuals with either a spare room or other property could help welcome these interns while earning rental income. Property can be listed at; although the site is national, listings can be made visible to JHU/APL interns only. For more information, go to the Web site, e-mail [email protected] or call 877-989-0410.


Welch Library Classes

Welch Medical Library is offering two free classes on Tuesday, April 29.

Noon: Learn to Use Welch Library Resources and Services Effectively. Topics include accessing the library's 5,000+ full-text journals from home or office, using WelDoc and the JHU Catalog to request electronic articles and books, searching for articles by subject and requesting instruction and individual consultations with your department's assigned Welch librarian.

1 to 3 p.m.: Evidence-Based Care. The course promotes the use of scientific literature in the clinical decision process, with a fuller understanding of the varying levels of evidence that individual studies provide. Participants will learn to develop EBM-formatted clinical questions, identify EBM resources that best vet the literature and indicate its levels of evidence, form effective search strategies and locate practice guidelines, systematic reviews, clinical trials and other EBM information. The Cochrane Library, PubMed Clinical Queries and InfoPOEMs are among the resources to be covered.

Pre-registration is required for both classes. Go to: assregistration.cfm. Both classes take place in Lab 1, in the 2024 Building, in East Baltimore.


Short Course at MWCC

Scheduled for August 18-22 at the Mount Washington Conference Center, the Integrative Computational Modeling of the Cardiac Myocyte short course is limited to 17 participants. Students will be selected on the strength of their current research activities. Interest, and degree of benefit from taking this course, will also be considered. The target audience is experimental biomedical researchers and clinician-scientists with a strong interest in understanding the process of developing, implementing and applying mathematical biological system models. Programming experience is recommended.

The deadline to apply is June 1. Allow three weeks from the application deadline for notification. Lodging and meals are provided free of cost to accepted applicants. Students are responsible for transportation, and should also plan on bringing a laptop. Apply online at:


The Gazette | The Johns Hopkins University | Suite 540 | 901 S. Bond St. | Baltimore, MD 21231 | 443-287-9900 | [email protected]