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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University January 20, 2009 | Vol. 38 No. 18

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Safe Streets in Baltimore
Youth violence experts from Johns Hopkins take stock of city-run program

The Safe Streets team in East Baltimore

Johns Hopkins faculty member Daniel Webster has seen Baltimore at its brutal worst. The associate director for research at the Bloomberg School of Public Health's Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence, Webster regularly observes neighborhoods where guns are used to settle disputes and homicides occur monthly.
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Reading for the 44th president
When Barack Obama is sworn in today as the 44th president of the United States, he will use the same Bible upon which Abraham Lincoln took the oath of office at his first inauguration in 1861.
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Essential proteins found for final stage of malaria
Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute have identified, for the first time, the molecular components that enable the malaria-causing parasite Plasmodium to infect the salivary glands of the Anopheles mosquito — a critical and final stage for spreading malaria to humans.
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What we're reading now

Gripping story, Tiny tool grabs, moves without tethers

SAIS scholar Azar Nafisi publishes new memoir on life in Iran

MLK Commemoration

Education and Nursing both strong in downturn

Osler Center for Clinical Excellence announces grants

Gene switch sites on 'shores' not just 'islands' of human genome

Needed: HPV vaccine, simple screening test, for women and men

Widely used medication can raise pneumonia risk for COPD patients

Diagnosis of pelvic inflammation predicts infection

Older women less likely than men to be listed for kidney transplants


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