Johns Hopkins Gazette | May 26, 2009
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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University May 26, 2009 | Vol. 38 No. 36
In Brief


JHU Press reissues 1929 book chronicling Johns Hopkins' life

The Johns Hopkins University Press celebrated the May 19 birthday of the university's founder with a party (at the Johns Hopkins Club, of course) to celebrate the reissue of Johns Hopkins: A Silhouette, by Helen Hopkins Thom.

Speaking at the event were university archivist Jim Stimpert, who wrote a new introduction to the book; Mame Warren, oral historian in the university's Entrepreneurial Library Program; and Henry Hopkins, a collateral descendant of the university's founder. Among the other family members in attendance were the author's great-granddaughters.

First published by the Press in 1929, this biography still stands as the authoritative account of Hopkins' life, his business career and the motives that lay behind his decision to leave his fortune to establish a university and hospital.

Thom (1867-1948) was the granddaughter of Johns Hopkins' older brother Joseph. She began collecting material for this portrait when it was possible to talk to people who had known her great-uncle. Her research became of vital importance when it was discovered that Hopkins himself — owing to a deep sense of humility — had destroyed virtually all of his papers before he died in 1873.

The 184-page book, with 15 halftones and two line drawings, is $30. The publication of this new edition was made possible by an anonymous donor.


Incentive Mentoring Program hosts first Charity Gala

The Incentive Mentoring Program — which provides intensive academic and social support to students in danger of being expelled from Paul Laurence Dunbar High School — will host its inaugural Charity Gala from 6 to 10 p.m. on Saturday, May 30, in Turner Concourse, East Baltimore campus.

Since its 2004 founding by medical student Sarah Hemminger, the mentoring program has achieved a 100 percent graduation and 100 percent college acceptance rate.

"We hope to expand the program to one day reach every school in Baltimore City," said Hemminger, executive director of IMP.

The keynote speaker at the event will be Phyllis Sharps, chair of the Department of Community Public Health at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing and director of three Baltimore City community health centers. The gala will include dinner, drinks, live music and a silent auction featuring tickets to the 2009-2010 Baltimore Speaker Series, which includes prominent figures such as Pervez Musharraf and Laura Bush, and a book set autographed by Johns Hopkins pediatric neurosurgeon Benjamin Carson.

Tickets, $75, are available at:


Kent Calder of SAIS publishes book on U.S.-Japan relations

Kent E. Calder, Edwin O. Reischauer Professor and director of the Japan Studies Program at SAIS, is the author of Pacific Alliance: Reviving U.S.-Japan Relations, released May 19 by Yale University Press.

In the book, Calder, who previously was special adviser to the U.S. ambassador to Japan and Japan chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, presents a comparative analysis of the U.S.-Japan alliance and its political, economic and social foundations. He asserts that bilateral relations between the two countries are dangerously eroding as both seek broader options in a globally oriented world.

Specifically, Calder documents the quiet erosion of America's multidimensional ties with Japan as China rises, generations change and new forces arise in both American and Japanese politics. He then assesses consequences for a 21st-century military alliance with formidable coordination requirements; explores alternative foreign paradigms for dealing with the United States, adopted by Britain, Germany and China; and offers prescriptions for restoring U.S.-Japan relations to vitality.


Charles Village Festival set for first weekend in June

On Saturday and Sunday, June 8 and 9, Johns Hopkins will join its Charles Village neighbors for a celebration of city living.

The 13th annual Charles Village Festival, to be held in the Wyman Park Dell, will feature vendors, artists, food, kids' activities and live music. Hours are 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday.

Also on Sunday is the Charles Village Garden Walk, which this year focuses on gardens located on 29th Street and below. The event is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and tickets are $8 in advance at the Waverly Farmers Market, or $10 on the day of the walk. (For more information, contact Beverly Fink at [email protected].)

Festival proceeds will benefit the Village Learning Place, Friends of Wyman Park Dell, Charles Village Recreation League and Charles Village Civic Association.


'The Gazette' begins biweekly summer schedule today

With this issue, The Gazette begins its biweekly summer schedule; the paper will be published on June 8, June 22, July 6, July 20, Aug. 3 and Aug. 17. The weekly schedule will resume on Aug. 31, the first week of the academic year. Calendar items and classifieds should be submitted by noon on Monday one week before publication to [email protected] or faxed to 443-287-9920.


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