Johns Hopkins Gazette: April 3, 1995


Apartments/houses for rent
Bolton Hill, furn rm, kitchen, laundry privileges. Quiet, clean,
nonsmoker. $300/mo + utils. 462-3119.

Mt Vernon, lge deluxe 1BR & den, entire flr in elegant brownstone
w/marble fps, oak inlaid flrs, chandeliers, A/C, sec system, no
smoking or pets. $598/mo incl utils. 528-1155.

37th St, 2BRs, 1BA, hdwd flrs, W/D. $450/mo + utils. Mary or
Lance, 243-3692.

Fells Pt, 2527 Eastern Ave, 3BR, 1BA house, facing park. $525/mo.

4,5 and 6BR RHs close to JHU. Avail June 1. 889-5759.

Roland Park, summer sublet, 1BR, kitchen, hdwd flrs, prkng. Avail
June-Aug. $325/mo. 889-4783.

Charles Village, 2900 blk St Paul St, 3rms, sunrm, kitchen, BA,
1st flr, grad student/prof only. $550/mo incl heat, $575/mo incl
garage & heat. 561-4315.

Butchers Hill, 2BR TH, total renovation, gas heat, W/D, lge BA, 6
blks to JHH. $450/mo. Tom, 235-3441.

3BR brick RH, convenient to JHU/JHMI & shopping. $850/mo + utils.

Bolton Hill, spacious 1BR garden apt, choice location, eat-in
kitchen, fp, CAC, cable-ready, off-street prkng. $510/mo + utils.
669-1515 eves, 516-4106 days.

1305 Cedarcroft Rd, 2BR TH, yard, hdwd flrs, 10 mins to JHU. Sec
dep. $550/mo. 828-1714.

Charles Village & Mt Vernon, 1BR, 1BA apts, close to shuttles.
All apts w/laundry, nice space. 889-5759.

Hopkins House, luxury 2BR apt, 14th flr. Avail June 1. $880/mo
incl utils. Judy, Julia or Vicky, 467-9713 or e-mail:
[email protected].

Rm for summer, avail May 15-Aug 31, nice, safe, nr JHU. $240/mo +
utils. Lisa, 467-2548, 955-6636.

Hopkins House, lovely executive apt to sublet April-summer, hdwd
flrs, gym, pool, deli, W/D in bldg, indoor prkng, balcony, secure
bldg. $565/mo incl utils. 889-3929.

Houses for sale
4BR brick Tudor w/fp, CAC, patio, tree-studded neighborhood, conv
to JHU/JHH. Mid $130,000s. 329-3418 days, 243-8827 eves.

Laurel TH, 4BRs, 2 full BAs, 2 half BAs, fin basement w/fp, all
appliances, 3 decks, fenced yard, 20-25 mins to JHH. $139,500.

Custom cedar/stone home w/pool, 7.5 secluded acres, 4BRs, 2.5BAs,
30 mins to JHU. $408,000. 343-2213 mornings.

Spacious Wyman Pkwy TH, 3/4BRs, new kitchen & BA, 2-car garage,
sec system, sunrm, park & BMA views, hdwd flrs, many upgrades.
Assumable 8% mortgage. $122,500. Doug, 516-8722.

Roommates wanted
Grad student/prof to share RH nr JHU, lge kitchen, W/D, dw, no
smoking or pets. $315/mo + 1/2 utils. Van, 235-1343.

Roommate to share spacious 3BR TH in Pasadena area. $285/mo +
utils. 866-6235.

F nonsmoking housemate to share 2BR, 2 flr TH in Adams Morgan
section of Washington, DC, 1.5BAs, fp, dw, W/D, CAC, skylight,
hdwd flrs. $550/mo + 1/2 elec. Lease expires Oct '95.
(202)265-3322 eves after 7:30pm.

1 or 2 M/F nonsmokers to share upper Fells Pt 3 story TH w/M grad
student, renovated, sec system, 3BRs, 2BAs, new crpt/flrs, CAC,
new appliances, W/D, 10 mins to JHH. 1 person, $300/mo or 2
people, $250/mo. Paul, 558-1868. 

M/F roommate to share 3BR home, nice, quiet neighborhood in
Carney (Joppa & Harford Rds), ind house w/lots of trees. Ray,

Prof F seeks nonsmoking roommate for 2BR, 2BA apt in Mt
Washington, den, no pets. 235-5991.

Items for sale
Unique cherrywood platform bed, 4 drawers, brass knobs, master
cabinetmaker. 654-9470.

Fitness Master 320 cross country ski machine, like new, 30 lbs,
very compact. Paid $350, asking $150/best offer. 516-3805.

Mac SE, double disk drive, keyboard, printer, mouse, all manuals,
good cond, perfect for word processing. $500/best offer. Kirstin,

Floral sofa, excel cond, paid $1,000, sacrifice for $200; trestle
table, pine wood, 2 benches, 2 captains chairs (Kling furniture),
excel cond, $150. Debbie, 516-5397, 882-2031.

3-drawer pine dresser, $45; 2-drawer white desk (no file
drawers), 47" x 23" x 29", $65; file holder on wheels, $15; 2
bean bags, $5 each; twin metal bed frame, $5. 727-8035 eves.

Queen-size Serta perfect sleeper mattress w/boxspring & bed
frame, hardly used. Paid $250, asking $200/best offer. 243-0805,

'87 Buick Grand National, limited edition, garage-kept, orig
owner, 63K mi, new tires, power package, AT, t-tops. Bill,

Apple Imagewriter dot matrix printer, excel cond. Best offer.

Beach bike, 26" ladies' orange Schwinn cruiser coaster, mint
cond. Paid $180, asking $130. 358-0628.

Screen printing equipment for T-shirts, caps, jackets: Lawson
printer, vacuum light table, NuArc camera, developer, dryer,
screens, squeegees, plastisol inks. $5,000. 637-5559.

Tandy 1000RL computer, color monitor & printer, Deskmate
software. $500/best offer. 366-1970.

Drums: 4 piece Maxtone, 1 Ludwig deep snare, Sabian & Zildjian
cymbals, heavy hardware, trap case, etc. $550 negotiable.
357-4454 after 7pm or e-mail: [email protected].

'92 Mercury Sable, very low mileage, loaded, clean, warranty,
Caribbean green. $11,500/best offer. 388-0529 or e-mail:
[email protected].

'93 Yamaha Waverunner & trailer, 500CC, white w/teal & pink
stripes, garage kept, hardly used, great cond. $3,800. Sherry,
659-4108 days.

'87 Ford Escort, 5spd, AM/FM cassette, 100K mi. $950 bluebook
value, asking $750/best offer. Karen, 516-6902.

Camper trailer, pop-up, sleeps 7, has heat, very good cond.
$2,000/best offer. 882-7724 eves.

'76 Dodge Charger, V-8, AT, PS, PB, A/C, 2dr, 154K mi, new
battery, alternator, tranny. $550/best offer (detachable face
radio/cassette w/car or separately $90 negotiable). 547-0485.

Macintosh SE II, extended keyboard, 2 disk drives, ext hard
drive, loaded w/ software & orig manuals, ImageWriter II printer.
$900 negotiable. 467-6843.

Haitian cotton Stearns & Foster inner spring queen-size sofa bed,
excel cond, $200; matching swivel chair, $25. 467-3829.

Giant 6-drawer locking metal file cabinet, $49 cash & carry;
solid wood desk, bookshelves, cabinets, solid wood bunkbed frame,
antique postal scale, tables, dressers, chairs. 467-3223 by April

Full-size bed, dining rm crpt, baby swing, diaper changer, baby
clothes and toys, baby walker, big casserole. 955-7825(w),
653-4643(h) after 8pm weekdays.

'91 GEO Tracker, 4WD, convertible, 57K mi, excel cond. Bill,
239-6304 eves, 516-8209 days.

Whitney spinet piano by Kimball w/bench. $500. 944-2521.

Dining rm furniture: designer table, buffet, 6 upholstered Eames
chairs. Best offer. 358-8493.

3' x 5' white Ikea desk/table w/detachable legs, $30; desk chair,
$15; lamp, $15. All excel cond. 467-5641.

'80 Toyota Celica hatchback, 97K mi, PB, AT, AM/FM, sunroof, 2dr,
runs well, good student car. $700/best offer. 665-1655 eves.

2 motorcycle helmets, $30 & $20; free puppies to good home. Tyla,
516-6535 days, 664-7227 eves & weekends.

12spd bikes, used twice, $170 for both, $90 each; rollerblades,
size 9� men's, $35; Mac LCIII, 8/160, 14" color monitor,
keyboard, mouse, Inkjet printer, $1,400. Barbara, 581-0615 eves,
516-6983 days.

Sofa & loveseat, excel cond, cream, brown & rust. $350/best
offer. 435-6123.

Plextor triple speed CD-ROM w/software, brand new, never used.
Paid $475, asking $250/best offer. 367-6735.

Services or items offered/wanted
Responsible repro endocrine fellow, wife & 2 children seek home
to rent in safe area for 2 yrs, pref 3+BRs & fenced yard. We're
nonsmokers, have no pets, and are terrific neighbors.

Research assistant, data entry, lit searches, etc. 20hrs/wk, some
eves, JHBMC. Maggie, 550-0800.

Babysitter avail weekdays and/or weekends. 243-9458.

Seeking native speaker to help me learn Czech in return for help
w/your English or for a nominal fee. Jennifer, 467-5641.

Deep water slip for rent at full service marina on Magothy, all
amenities. $125/mo. 974-1247.

Experienced instructor offers individualized tutoring for GRE,
GMAT, SAT. Also, general help in English, writing & math.

Residential landscape design by landscape architecture grad,
design consultation, plans, cost estimation & installation
service. 235-7611 eves.

One-to-one volunteer English teacher, pref F, Korean post-doc
fellow needs help for English conversation & writing. 653-2024

TLC Cleaning Service, dependable, reliable service, 1 time or
routine general cleaning avail, no job too small or too lge.
467-3035 Tues-Thurs, 10am-10pm.

Mike's Light Moving & Hauling: furniture, appliances, etc.
Reasonable rates, careful handling. 558-1731(h), 813-6825(pager),
Mon-Sat, 7am-11pm.

Y-9 Studios offers prof recording, 16 track ADAT, MACKIE 24-8
BUS, DAT masters avail. Prof sound at affordable rates.
431-7048(w), 613-8579 (pager).

Loving couple offering your baby a happy life, good education,
tons of love. Legal/medical fees paid. Gina or Glen,

Babysitter needed for Towson family, car req, 3-4 hrs/day in
afternoons. Good salary. Luisa, 828-4340(h), 550-9494(w).

Stop smoking in 1 hypnosis session, NGH certified, Towson or
Pikesville offices, weekend appts avail. Tisa, 467-8721.

Free furn apt + stipend in exchange for 16 hrs/wk nan-ny services
(eves & weekends), pref motivated nonsmoking JHU student w/car.
467-0800, 366-1133.

Hand-calligraphed, custom-made poem & frame, delivery. 325-6269
eves, 614-0248 weekdays.

Nail Express, licensed, prof manicurists provide full nail care
services in privacy of your home. 757-2936.

Ultimate calligraphy, high quality, low rates. Wedding
invitations, place settings, baby, other announcements, poems,
stationery. Excel refs. 488-5440.

Wedding photography, Reasonable, flex packages/rates. Bob,
366-3744, 955-3761.

DJ needed for spring semi-formal. Jeanne, 516-4519.

Seeking child care, my home, once/wk for 2 happy creative kids,
nonsmoker, refs. 467-3106.

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