Johns Hopkins Gazette: April 10, 1995

WJHU-Radio Program Notes

     This week on The Mark Steiner Show:

ù    Tuesday, April 11: "In Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr.," a discussion of the civil rights movement since the
assassination of Dr. King. It was during this week in 1968 that
Dr. King was shot. Has the civil rights movement made progress in
the years since?

ù    Wednesday, April 12: A discussion of "blockbusting."
Blockbusters were real estate speculators who preyed on the fears
of white homeowners with talk of racial change and diminished
property values. Guests include neighborhood preservationist
Vincent Quayle and Edward Orser, author of Blockbusting in

ù    Thursday, April 13: "Spirituality in America," a talk about
religion in American life with Chris Leighton, director of the
Institute for Christian-Jewish Studies, and Rabbi Danny Lehman,
principal of Beth Tfiloh High School.

     The Marc Steiner Show is a public affairs call-in program
broadcast every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7 to 8:30
p.m. on WJHU, 88.1 FM. Topics and guests are subject to change. 
     For more information, call 516-WJHU.

     The Marc Steiner Show is a public affairs call-in program
broadcast every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7 to 8:30
p.m. on WJHU, 88.1 FM. Topics and guests are subject to change. 
     For more information, call 516-WJHU.

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